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This week in literacy the Year 2 children have been writing alternative endings to our text The Dragon Snatcher. We have had some wonderful endings including ending up in Minecraft to George adopting all the dragons and taking them home! Year 1 children have continued with their descriptive writing and sentence stretching to create short narratives.



This week the Year 2 children have been investigating halving and doubling and the connection to the 2 times table. The Year 1 children have continued with their fraction work and have been dividing groups of objects into halves and quarters.



This week we celebrated E-Safety day! All the children have been discussing different ways to stay safe online and the importance of speaking to a trusted adult if they ever get worried or upset about something they see online. We have also been investigating how long things stay on the internet and that pictures from 30 years ago can still be found. This has helped the children to understand what a complex place the internet is.
