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Thursday 19th March 2020

How to find books using Oxford Owl

Hello Beech Class,


I hope that you've all had a chance to have a look through your learning packs.

I will be posting on our page on Thursdays to keep to all updated with the learning tasks you should be getting on with.


Over the next week, I'd like for you to finish off the reading goblin paper that we started off in class. This is the questions about JJ and Jasmine and the second part is about Cowboys. Remember the answers are hidden somewhere in the writing!


I'd also like for you to work on the shape task on your letter. Go for a shape hunt around your home and record the 2D and 3D shapes that you find. Record the number of vertices and lines of symmetry for all shapes, number and type of sides for 2D shapes, edges and faces for 3D shapes. Record this in your red maths book. 


I'd like for you to use the story planning sheet this week to create your own story. It's up to you what you write about. Remember that a good story has a problem in the middle. Think about how you're going to describe the setting and characters in your story. Maybe you could ask your family to act your storyboard out with you. Next week, I'll be asking you to write this story. So take this week to create a really detailed plan. I can't wait to see all of your amazing ideas!


I'd like to see you using Times Table Rock stars to practice your 2, 5 and 10 times table and division facts. Next week, I will be setting you a challenge so use this time to get in some practice!


In your hand writing book, I'd like for you to write at least 5 sentences per day with a common exception word in each sentence. Use the common exception word sheet in your learning packs. I wonder how you could challenge yourselves to make these sentences more exciting and interesting.


Before we went home from school, we started to learn about Oliver Cromwell. I'd like for you to use your green writing book to record all of the information that you can remember about Oliver Cromwell. Can you teach your family all of the things you've learnt so far? 


As we have learnt, it's important to keep fit and healthy. You can use this link to keep active.


Get creative! I wonder how you can share our pirate learning with your family at home. Perhaps you could build something using Lego or other building toys, you could draw or paint, you could act out your learning, create a song- I'm sure you can come up with even more amazing and creative ideas to share your learning with your family. 


Keep working hard and have a super week!


From Miss Pritchard 
