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Tuesday 26th

Good morning 

Good morning Ash Class. It is important that you fit your learning into a time table which works best for you, but below is our suggested format for you. Please remember if you have any problems with today's work to send Miss Bridges an email at We would also love to see photographs of your work today. Good luck with your challenges. 



Lo: To plan a story 

Starter: To use apostrophes for a contraction. 

You can use apostrophes to show that you have omitted (left out) some letters when you are joining words together.

For example, you can join the words ‘you’ and ‘are’ together. You + are = you're. The apostrophe takes the place of the removed letters. In this example, the letter a.


If you are able to, visit the BBC page here and complete the games. If not have a look at the screen shots below, and complete these on a piece of paper. 


Main: To plan a story.  

Yesterday, you created characters for your story. Today , we are going to think about what will happen to them when they enter your magical land. Think carefully about what will happen in your story- who will they meet? What will the dilemma be?


Then use your story mountain from your pack to plan your story. If you cannot find it, you could fold a piece of paper into eights and plan your story as a storyboard. 

Class story: The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe:

Chapter 6 part 1

With permission from Harper Collins

Guided Reading

Lo: To ask questions about a text

Warm-up: Read the following extract and answer the inference questions. 


Read the first page of the City. As you read write down the questions which pop into your head e.g. Why do Ben and his letter sister not get on? Why did he get transported into the computer? Is it real or is it a dream? Try to think of at least five questions. 



Mrs Wordsmith

Lo: To revisit previous words. 

Have a look at the pictures below. Can you remember the words in which the pictures are representing? They are all words you have looked at this term. 


Still image for this video


Lo: To add four digit numbers 


Starter: To mentally add multiples of ten. 

How quickly can you solve the problems on the left? Try to solve them in your head. 


Main: To add four digit numbers. 

Today we are looking at adding four digit numbers. Watch the video below to remind yourself of the method we use for this. Then have a go at solving the problems- there's a challenge to try too if you feel like you need it. 

Maths 25.1.21




Lo: To practise balance and co-ordination. 

We know that it can be hard to do a lot of PE exercises at home. Remember, we need to keep as active as possible- and at school our PE sessions would last for an hour. 

Have a go at the challenges below- which use something we all should have around the home... Socks! 

Home PE Sock Challenge 1

Home PE | Sock Ladder Challenge

Home PE | Around The Sock


Lo: To recognise and write the words for ten animals in French. 


Last week we learnt the names of 10 animals in French. Remind yourself of these by solving the problem below. 


To access the learning resources for your French lesson please visit the Language Angels website by clicking HERE


Click log in and sign in using the details below in the home school area.


Username:   ManeaC1355

Password:    lahome


Your challenge is to revise the five animals we looked at last week and learn the next five!

Follow the paths below, you may need an adult to support you.


Entry Level Challenge,

Unit 7,

Lesson 4 


There is an interactive Powerpoint for you to use like we do in class. There are also some worksheets that you can do to help you remember the new words.  What challenge will you go for?
