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Look at the work we have been doing at home and at school this week!  What amazing learners we are!


Still image for this video

I hope you are all enjoying your home learning – I miss you all very much and am looking forward to seeing you all again.  Please email me any questions or pictures of your home learning on


Use the website to investigate the sounds we have been learning


Play picture match! – Good luck!


Challenge yourself with the keywords on our keyword page – I hope you beat your score last week!


We are working on positional language this week and there is a task below to help apply it.


Play hide and seek – give a clue to your grown up – ‘it is under something, it is on top of something etc’ – see if they can find your object!

Main text: 

Oxford Owl Website – Log into ebooks 4-5 years

Dad can you do this?



  • Continue with a diary.  Write a sentence in it each day – you can write what you did, what made you happy, what made you laugh – use your phonic sounds for words that you need (if they are not our keywords) 

Read the story with your grown up – what did you like best?  Can you do any of the activities?


  • What can you do?  Create caption card to play the I can game’

Write Can you ……?

Then use your phonics to write actions such as; hop, jump, skip, run etc

Use the cards to play a game with your family and see how many of the cards you can do.


  • After playing the game discuss together what you favourite thing was to do.  The have further discussions about what games you like to play or toys you like to play with. Draw your favourite toy and label it – don’t forget to use your keywords if you can!


Start to discuss with your family the toys that they played with when they were young – what did they enjoy?


Investigate toys from the past - what would you have liked to play with?


toy inspired yoga session


  • Create an obstacle course in your garden – can you move under, over, balance, jump – can you instruct someone else to carry out your course?  Can  you make it in a different way?  Can you challenge yourself?


