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Year 1

W/b 22.07.19

Well it's our last couple of days in year one... and what a fabulous year it has been.  We have worked hard all year and the last two days we have been showing how wonderful we are at working together, persevering and aiming high. We have some final photos of our fabulous busy learning.  

Well done year 1, it has been a pleasure.  Have a great summer holiday :) 

W/b 08/07/19

We had a fantastic time on our trip around Manea.  On the way to the park we spotted lots of different scarecrow characters.  When we got the the park we played parachute games and got a chance to explore all of the equipment.  We all went for a walk into the woods where we discovered something wonderful.  The fallen tree from our Percy the Park Keeper story 'After the Storm'.  We then found lots of clues that Percy's animals friends also live in the park.  One of the most exciting parts was seeing Percy fishing in the lake.  What a great adventure!!

In the afternoon we continued our fun by pond dipping, icing biscuits, den building and taking part in an obstacle course. WOW!!!

W/b 01.07.19

This week Percy has set us lots of new challenges to complete during our busy learning.  One of the tasks required us to help him put his 100 square back together, after his animal friends cut them into a jigsaw puzzle.  We used our number knowledge to help us put the pieces back together.  Great problem solving Year 1!!!

W/b 24.06.19

This week we have celebrated all of our hard work in phonics with a Phonics Fairy treat.  Miss Denton and the Phonics Fairy are incredible proud of how hard year 1 have worked to learn all of our new sounds, and using them to read real and nonsense words, so this we iced our very own phonics biscuits.  And the best bit was ... we got to EAT THEM TOO!!!! 

W/b 10.06.19

Well... we have been having a great time being scientists in year 1.  We have had the opportunity to try out lost of different and amazing science experiments.  We have made volcanoes, explored a red, squeezy real egg, and trialed colour mixing with different liquids.  It was great fun!!

W/b 03.06.19

Welcome back everyone.  I hope you had a lovely half term.  This week in year 1 we have spent lots of time practicing and focusing on our phonics inn preparation for our Phonics Fairy challenge next week.  We have been making colouring mosaics, writing captions, and playing PhonicsPlay games.  We are ready for our challenge next week :) 

W/b 13.05.19

This week in Geography year one have been learning the compass points.  We made up our own ryhme of "Never Eat Sea Weed" to help us remember the different directions and where we find them on a compass. We have also been learning about map symbols and what places they represent. 

We did some fantastic team work to match the map symbol to the correct destination. 

W/b 06.05.19

This week in year 1 we have had lots of challenges to complete linked to our core text of Percy the park keeper.  Percy always seems to find himself with a bit of a problem, and we have been helping him solve them.  We have been working together to create new beds and huts for Percy and will the animals to fit into.  We have made shelters to protect the animals from the snow.  

We have been using our maths, money work to help Percy to make the correct amount of money to buy himself some new tools.  Wow year 1... you really been super busy!!

UK Geography/ UK Country

Learn about the United Kindom's countries and capitals with this fun and educational, catchy animated video. And don't forget to sing along! Watch Kids Learning Tube ad-free for $12 a YEAR! See the latest videos before anyone else in the world. Sign up today for ad-free video streaming for all Kids Learning Tube videos!

W/b 29.4.19

This week in Geography year 1 have been very busy learning all of the UK countries and their capital city.  We have been completing a matrix grid to show the location, flag, capital and symbol of each country.  We learnt a new song to help us learn all of this new and exciting information (see link). 


Days of the Week clap clap! to the tune of the Addams Family

Months Of The Year Song

It's a months of the year song to the tune of Michael Finnegan or the Ten Little song. Performed by A.J. Jenkins Copyright 2009 A.J.Jenkins/KidsTV123: All rights reserved. For MP3s, worksheets and much more: Kids songs song for children Chords D A D A D

W/b 23.04.19

Welcome back everybody.  We hope you had a wonderful Easter break.  

In maths this week, year 1 have been learning the days of the weeks and months of the year.  We have been working on remembering the order of each.


We have used songs to help us with this.  Look at the YouTube links and practice the songs with the children at home.  They are really catchy :) 

W/b 01.03.19

As part of our Gruffalo inspiration day we made Gruffalo crumble on the fire.  We used apples and blackberries and watched how the fruit changed in appearance as it began to cook.  We thought of adjectives for how the crumble may taste.  We added cinnamon for flavour.  We all took turns to smell the cinnamon and talked about what foods it reminded us of. 

W/b 25.03.19

This week in our busy learning we have been doing lots of team work to create homes and sets for the story of the Gruffalo.  We have been listening to each others ideas and working together to create our structures.  We have been doing this in and around all of our learning environments inside and outside. 

W/b 18/03/19

This week as part of our science week investigation, we have been planing beans and cress. When planting the cress we changed different variables so that we could observe if it made any difference to the growth of the cress. 


W/b 11.3.19

This week in year 1 we have been leanring about George Stephenson, 'The father of the railway'.

In our busy learning we have been building our own steam locomotives, railways and station. We know lots of interesting facts about him.

W/b 04.03.19

This week in year 1 we have been continuing to develop our art skills.  We have looked at the work of the artist Kandinsky, and created our own piece of Concentric Circles art work. 

Friday 1st March 2019: Painting - please see our work and read about our learning.

W/b 25.02.19

Welcome back everyone and we hope you had a lovely half term break. 

In year one we investigated the art technique of 'Pointillism'. We have looked at the skills needed as well as looking at Aboriginal Australian art work to look at the different patterns and designs that can be produced using this technique.  We have then practiced the technique and experimented with different colours and patterns.  We  linked this skill to our new core text 'The Gruffalo' to design our very own Pointillism Gruffalo or Mouse. 

W/b 11.02.19

We have been very busy in year 1 this week.  As part of maths week, we have been using the outdoor environment and our forest school skills to investigate shapes.  We have worked as a team to create 2D and 3D shape shapes and discuss their properties.  WE look forward to showing you all of our great maths work in our 'market place' on Thursday. 

W/b 04.02.19

This week in Year 1 we have been learning a new skill within our art work.  We have been learning how to create a Mexican Eye, or Gods Eye, using a special weaving technique.  We numbered our sticks to help us think of a word pattern we could follow in order to create the pattern.  We then had lolly sticks and small bundles of wool in the continuous provision, so that the children could independently practice the skill.  Here are some of pictures of what we have made.   

W/b 28.01.19

This week in our Literacy Year 1 have been re-inventing the story of 'How to catch a star' We have used our environment to act out and support our new ideas for the story. 


The children have changed the characters, what the character is searching for and ways that the character tries to catch a star.  We have had some great new ideas and we are looking forward to writing our own version of the story.

W/b 21.1.19

This week we have been very artistic in year one.  We have been looking at the piece of art by Van Gough called Starry Night.  We have created a class display of the piece of art as you can see from our photo.  We have been using play dough as our creative challenge to use a different media to create the art work.  Great work everyone!

w/b 14.1.19

This week year one have been observing and recording the winter weather. Every morning and afternoon we have discussed and charted the weather and read the thermometer to measure the temperature.  Guess what, we even had to use our two count to read the thermometer so we were able to practice our maths at the same time :)

W/b 7/1/19

This week in maths we have had a very tricky new challenge.  We have been learning to count in 2's.  When learning to count in 2's we made three of our own super top tips to help us.  

* All the numbers are even

* We skip the odd numbers

* They end in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0

In our busy learning when building a new lighthouse for Mr Grinling we counted our blocks in 2's and our maths challenge was to order and count Mr Grinling's socks.

W/b 19/12/18

Year one started our Christmas week getting warm by the fire and toasting marshmallows.  We discussed what we needed to do to ensure that we stayed safe when around the fire and when toasting the marshmallow.


The best wit was getting to eat the yummy marshmallows. YUMMMMMYYYYYY!!


We have also been getting into the festive spirit, making lots of Christmas crafts.  We have ad a very fun three days and are now ready to enjoy the Christmas holidays. Have lots of fun! Marry Christmas!

W/b 03.12.18

This week we have been making sentences and thinking about the imperative (bossy) verbs we can use next week when we write our own set of instructions for Mr Grinling.  We have been sharing ideas for the best imperative verbs to use and working together to think of what instructions we could give for each part of the process.  The best bit was that we got to eat a bit of sandwich too!!

w/b 26/11/18

This week the year ones have been focusing their busy learning on the story of Grace Darling, who saved 9 sailors after their ship hit rocks.  

The children have been working as a team to build their own light houses and retell facts they have learnt about Grace. 

We have also been linking this new knowledge and the fact that Grace Darling lived in a lighthouse to the story of the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.  The children have been very busy choosing to write their own version of the story. 

W/b 19.11.18 This week Year 1 have been starting to prepare for the Nativity.  We have been starting to learn our lines and all of the songs.  It's going to be very exciting and we are looking forward to sharing it with you all next month :) 

W/b 12/11/18

This week year one have been having a great time in our forest school session. In the woods we foraged for sticks and leaves and decorated them to make magic wands.  With the help of some of the children Mrs Goude made a tight rope for the children to explore and travel across.  We worked as a team to make a set of rules so that everyone could have a turn and that we were safe.  Great work year 1!!



In year one we have been being scientists and describing the properties of different materials. We have had the tricky job of sorting different objects and materials based on their properties.  We then talked about different materials and described their properties.  

W/b 29.10.18

This week year 1 have been learning about question marks in our literacy work.  We have been sorting and identifying the difference between statements and questions.  We have noticed that questions have '?' at the end and that they need someone to give an answer.  In our maths work looking at tens and ones in a 2 digit number.  Wow what a busy we we have had!! Don't forget to look on the enquiry based learning page to see all the fantastic things we did on Friday during our Dear Zoo inspiration day!

In year one we have been very busy investigating and exploring materials.  We have been finding different objects in the inside and outside environment and discussing the materials that they are made from.  We then gathered objects that are made from specific materials and made our own science display in the classroom.  Wow, great work everyone!!

Investigating materials

W/b 08.10.18

This week in year one we have been solving lots of subtraction problems in our maths work.  We have been writing our own problems and using a number line to help us solve them. 


In literacy we have been editing and improving our story writing.


In our forest school we have been very busy foraging for sticks, ready for next half term when we will be learning some new and exciting skills.  We can't wait to share our new skills with you! 

Year one have been busy learning about adjectives in our literacy work.  The children had lots of fun exploring gloop and jelly and using adjectives to describe them.


In our maths work we have had to help dinosaur solve his addition problems. We have been using number lines to help us. Wow what a busy week we've had!!

W/b 24.09.18

This week in Forest School year one have been continuing to work on, and perfect their foraging skills.  We have foraged for leaves to create our own beautifully created stick.  Wow great work everyone. You really are becoming foraging experts!

Seven Continents Song

A song to help kids learn the 7 continents in order from largest to smallest. Subscribe! ➜ Support Hopscotch on Patreon!

W/b 17.09.18

This week in year one we have started to learn the worlds continents.  We have been watching a song to help us remember the names of the continents.  We have been making our own maps to show where the different continents are in the world and the animals we might find there. 

Wow the world is such a big place!

W/b 10.09.18

This week in our maths work we have been learning our number bonds to ten.  We have been using bead strings and our fingers to help us work out our number bond problems.  We have written our number bonds as number sentences.


In our literacy work we have been writing lists and captions based on our 'All about me boxes'.  We have then used these skills in our busy learning to make lists for the 

equipment we have been using.  What a busy week you have had year 1!

 In our literacy work in year 1 we have been very busy making labels for all of the amazing items we have put inside our all about me boxes.  We have also been making labels for all of the equipment in our learning areas so that everybody knows what objects they are using.


In our maths work we have been using number beads and numicon to help us to work out our number bonds to 10.  we have been writin gnumber sentences to show our number bonds.  Great work Year 1!!
