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Wb 24.1.22


This week in literacy we have been writing recounts of our weekends.  We have been applying lots of different skills that we have been learning into our recounts including adjectives ad time words.  We have also been working hard to make sure all of our sentences include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 



In maths this week we have been practising our number bond recall and knowledge.  In year 1 we have been recapping our number bonds to tens and using our knowledge of these to help us create umber bonds to 20. 

In year 2 we have been recapping our number bonds to 20 and using our knowledge to help us solve number bonds to 100 in tens, as well as beginning to look at solving all number bonds to 100.  This is something we will have lots of practise of throughout the year.



In the afternoons this week, we have been applying our PSHE skills when discussing how we would help Percy and the animals to solve the problems they come across in 'Percy's Bumpy Ride'. We have been thinking about how this links to our core values of Perseverance, Aiming High, Resilience, Teamwork and 'Yet...'.
