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Monday 13th July 2020

Hello Beech Class 

Have a look at the cress that the children in school have been growing!

Hello Beech Class 13th July 2020

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Last week you received your packs for the summertime. You have received a booklet to fill in all about yourself and to give to your new teachers when you get into Year 3.


I am so proud of your hard work this year and I can’t wait for you to show off all of your brilliant skills in Year 3!


This week your home learning is all about getting ready to show off how brilliant you are and how ready you are for some new challenges!


This week we are going to be pushing ourselves to do some maths talk. This means that you will need to solve some maths problems and then talk about how you solved them and your thinking- this is something that will really help you as you move up into Year 3.

Have a quick look at the recap videos for a reminder of how to solve division problems.


Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

I have added some Multiplication and Division Mastery Challenges cards, you do not need to print these off, you can just look at them on the screen and note your answers down, it would be great if you could chat about your maths with your family.


This week we will be thinking about algorithms. An algorithm is a list of steps that a computer needs to through to solve a problem or complete a task.

This is a bit like instructions. You have to make sure all of the steps are clear and in the right order.

Computers can’t do anything without being told.

If we make a mistake in when we write an algorithm we call it a bug, when we fix the bug we call it debugging.

There are lots of apps that you could use to practice coding. I recommend starting with ‘Scatch jr’. This is free to download onto both android and iOS devices.

You can use this to create characters and move them around. You can even add in recordings of things for them to say.

In mine, I have made my cat go for a swim, I wonder what you will make your character do. You could even add more characters to make it more interesting!

If you don’t want to practise using a tablet, phone or iPad, you could ask someone in your family to turn into a computer, you could then give your ‘human computer’ some instructions. Be careful though, ‘human computers’ are just like real ones- they follow your instructions exactly!

How did you get on with Sports Day? Did you have a good time? Which event was your favourite? This week I’d like you to see if you can beat your own personal record.


Creating an algorithm is just like writing instructions. Over the last few weeks you have been learning about plants and how they grow. This week I would like you to create a set of instructions to tell someone how to plant a seed and help it to grow.

I think if I’d had some super instructions to start with my plating might have gone better in the first place!

Make sure you explain why each step is important. Remember to start with a number to keep everything in order.

I’d love to see your instructions!



I’d also like you to write a book review of the book that you have most enjoyed reading during your home learning.

You could use this document to give you some ideas about what you could include in your book review.

Have a super week Beech Class!


Remember to email me all of the brilliant things that you do!
