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Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for a test on Wednesday. 



In Literacy this week, we have been learning about fronted adverbials. If you need a reminder of what these are you could watch the video on the link below- or have a look at the examples.



Medium: Look at these adverbs- quickly, slowly, happily. Act out a scene for each. e.g. can you skip happily? or walk quickly?    


Spicy: Can you write five sentences using fronted adverbials? You can decide what you write about, but don't forget the commas.


Hot: Try the challenges below- they include prepositions, we learnt about these at the start of the week.



Learn your 8 times tables!


Remember we learnt our fours last week and you can use these to help you.


You could use TT rockstars or just practise these at home.


Medium: Keep practising your counting to 30 and beyond. Can you write down these numbers?  Can you count backwards?
