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Oak Class

Thursday 20th July

The end of our journey - our last few days at primary school have gone really quickly. We have spent time reflecting on our time at Manea School and have discussed our many favourite moments.

We are looking forward to sharing our end of year assembly.

Thursday 13th July

Oak Class have had a fantastic week - it has been very busy.

On Tuesday we celebrated the end of year with a visit to Hunstanton. We flew kites (quite tricky), built amazing sand structures, played frizbee and explored the many rock pools. We enjoyed our fish and chip lunch (or nuggets and chips) and then playing many different games.


Thursday 6th July
It has been an exciting week for the pupils of Oak Class. They have all been on transition visits to their secondary schools in readiness for September.
Upon returning to Manea they have been "buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm". Many nervous feelings were soon put to rest as they became engrossed in a new environment packed full of new faces.
Meanwhile, back in school, we have continued studying our Victorian themed text.
We performed "Conscience Alley" around the central character Jim - would he stay or leave The Lily ...

Thursday 29th June

An eventful week in Oak Class.

On Monday we performed our Mary Poppins scene in the school production - it was a great success.

On Tuesday it was Sports Day. Luckily the weather held and we really enjoyed competing in all of the different races. The ice creams were great too - thank you Mr. Payne.

Today we enjoyed our PE session - there were rounders galore and some great catches.


See how we enjoyed ourselves

Thursday 22nd June

Production Day

Over the last week or so Year 6 have discussed and written their script for our school production. Next, we spent several days in rehearsal; perfecting our performance.

Today saw "Mary Poppins" by Year 6 go live. We hope that you enjoy our gallery of character photographs.

Thursday 15th June

Oak class have been even busier this week - is that possible?


We have been rehearsing our scene from the school production and ...


In science we have investigated the effect of varying exercises on our pulse rates. First of all we had to find our pulse - check your wrist or neck. Miss Smith was quite concerned when some of us said that we could not find our pulse!

We planned our investigation and tested the effect various exercises had on our pulse rate.

Thursday 8th June

It has been a very busy week in Oak Class. The class have been completing their pieces of writing for our writing assessment. The children have worked tirelessly and with great dedication. They should all be very proud of their achievements.

In between these tasks Oak Class have completed their entries for the Manea Gala Art Competition. This year the theme is: "The History of Manea". The children have used their observational drawing skills to sketch the old Wesleyan Chapel in the High Street. I am sure that you will agree that the results are outstanding.

Wesleyan Chapel, Manea. By Oak Class

Thursday 25th May

It has been an incredibly busy week in Oak Class.

Much of our time has been spent demonstrating our skills of writing in a range of different text types. This week we have written a short story, a diary entry and a non-chronological report.

Can you list the features of these text types? We can!


On Tuesday we supported the children in Pine, Elm and Beech classes as they took part in their "Sports Day". We were rewarded with an ice cream.


Today, despite the very hot weather, we completed our NSPCC athletic challenge. We completed three circuits of the field - with each circuit we undertook a different athletic skill.

We are all looking forward to half term!

Thursday 18th May

It has been a busy week in Oak Class. In Mathematics this week we have been solving problems using calculators. We have learnt about recurring decimals and how the calculator rounds numbers.

Here we are at work:

In Science this week we have studied the components and function of blood. We attempted to make blood! Then we looked at pictures of blood that had been placed under high definition microscopes.

We sketched these images:

Friday 12th May 2017

Year 6 have worked incredibly hard this week. They have taken on the "exam challenge" this week with perseverance and a very clear determination to succeed.

We are all very proud of them.


Today we have been to the woods ... the challenge was to build a den that we could all sit in and easily defend. We certainly succeeded!  What great fun!

We had enormous fun. It was a great morning!

Thursday 4th May

It has been an extremely busy week in Oak Class.

So ... watch this space!

Thursday 27th April

Year 6 have been working really hard this week preparing for the SATs later this term.

On a lighter note we enjoyed "hot seating" characters in our literacy lessons. We have been studying the text "Street Child" and decided to interview some of the main characters - Mrs Jarvis, Lizzie and Emily and Mr Spink. We used the information we gained to write character profiles.

All Year 6 have agreed that drama lessons are some of our favourite lessons.

Here we are at work:


Thursday 20th April

Year 6 have had a great start to the new term. We are all working hard with real determination to succeed. With working hard comes playing hard - we celebrated with a "cracking" game of rounders this afternoon. The challenge is set for tomorrow.


Easter School

Many of Year 6 came to school for three days last week to support their learning and to prepare for the exams ahead. All of the children worked hard and were determined to do their best.

The children said:

"This has been the best - time to learn even more."

"I have really enjoyed these days - I didn't think I would at first. It has been so good to have extra learning time."

"I loved every minute - the learning, the being together - just Year 6, and the fun. The chocolate was great too!"


30th March 2017

What a varied and exciting week.

This week we have 'had a go' at some SATs papers. We have found this challenging but really worthwhile. We have learnt about the format of the tests and how to manage our time. We have also learnt about exam techniques.

On Tuesday we visited the Space Centre - what an amazing day. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and have learnt an amazing amount.

Today we celebrated the end of trying out SATs. We celebrated with 'mindfulness' time, playing rounders and a water and fruit picnic. Miss Froggatt joined us for rounders. She scored a cracking rounder !!!WOW!!!
Well done Year 6 for a great week - you have been tremendous and should feel very proud of yourselves.
Thursday 23rd March
This week we have been writing an explanation text with a Science focus. We spent several hours researching:
  • the solar system
  • night and day
  • seasons
  • eclipses
  • moon phases
  • moon landings
  • scientists
Undertaking our research
Our explanation text reports will also include information gathered from our 'Space Centre' visit next week.
We are all really excited about our trip.

Thursday 16th March

It has been a busy week in Oak Class.


On Tuesday we welcomed students from Cromwell Community College and Cathy Murphy from the PSHE Service. Together we explored the theme of "smoking" - we undertook several activities and had some lengthy discussions. At the end of the afternoon we "hot-seated" Mollie from Cromwell. She was very convincing!


This afternoon in Computing we have completed and edited our films.


Watch this space!

Thursday 9th March

Year 6 had a fantastic conclusion to Science Week last Friday. We welcomed Miss De Stefano from Cromwell Community College to teach us about static electricity.

We undertook numerous experiments, for example, rubbing balloons on our jumpers to create static charge and then seeing the effect on our hair.

However the best part of the session was the Van De Graaff Generator. We listened carefully to Miss De Stefano's explanation of the machine and the need to work carefully.

Here are some of us experiencing a really bad hair day!

Thursday 2nd March

Science Week

Year 6 have had a fantastic week - all due to science!

On Monday we welcomed several visitors. Mrs Pratt came and talked to us about her job and how she has used science in her profession.

Paper Chromatography

With Mrs Pratt we discussed and built a human skeleton.
Then we watched an explosive assembly by Mr Tarsitano!


New Arrivals.

We have visited Pine Class -  baby ducklings - we love them! Today the five hatched babies greeted us with chirps. We even stroked them.

Today was SCIENCE day! We have discussed "Let's Talk Science" questions and responded. Then we researched then brain and constructed brain hats.


Finally we recorded brain facts. We are all looking forward to the presentation tomorrow from the Science Department at Cromwell.

Thursday 23rd February

It has been another busy week in Oak Class.

We have begun our new text "Street Child" by Berlie Doherty.

We studied this front cover and used this to predict what the story might be about. We had to justify our thoughts and ideas. Surprisingly, all of our predictions were different!

Then we shared the preface. Here  we met the main character - Jim Jarvis. We analysed the language used to describe him and noted the facts that we now know about him.

We can't wait to read on!

Thursday 9th February


Linked to our theme of The Victorians we have been exploring "street cries". We have studies traditional Victorian street cries and here we are performing traditional and modern Victorian street cries.

Thursday 2nd February

In our Literacy lessons this week we have continued to focus upon biographies. We have been studying Anne Frank and her diary.

Today we "hot seated" Otto Frank and then wrote reports based upon our findings.

"Hot seating" in action ...

Thursday 26th January

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing and performing our class assembly which was based on the book "The Sea of Tranquility".

In our gymnastics lessons this half term we have been focusing upon floor work. We developed, refined and evaluated our sequences.

Thursday 19th January

In our Literacy lessons we have been learning about biographies and autobiographies.

We have identified the features of a biography and used these to write our own biography of Roald Dahl.

Here we are researching Anne Frank - a famous diarist whose life was beset by tragedy.

We will use our research to write our own biographies of Anne Frank.

Thursday 12th January

In our Mathematics lessons this week we have been looking at units of measurement.

One of our challenges this week has been to defeat a new "television gadget" which limited us to six hours of viewing every week. We had to select our programmes and calculate the viewing time.

Outdoor Learning has seen us working in French and giving directions. We had to draw our village and then give each other directions in French to reach a destination.

Thursday 5th January 2017

Happy New Year!

Year 6 have made a great start to the New Year.

Here we are completing our Science reports on Electricity.

Thursday 15th December

Happy Christmas!


Today was our "Design and Technology" day. We followed our design brief to make a puppet. We had to pin the template to the felt and cut out our puppet shape. Then we used running stitch to pin the back and front together. Using a range of skills we turned our template outlines into a Christmas themed puppet.

Here we are at work:

Thursday 8th December

Over the last several weeks in our Religious Education lessons we have been exploring the Christian Story of the Nativity. We have identified the main characters and discussed the impact of their actions. We have also retold the story in our own words, written diary entries and poems.

This week we acted out different scenes from the Nativity Story.

Enjoy viewing the photographs!

Thursday 1st December

Our History topic this term is "Ancient Egypt". This week we have been finding out about pyramids. We discovered, to our surprise, that there were several different kinds of pyramids.

We discussed the skills needed to construct these monumental architectural landmarks. In the midst of our discussions we realised that constructing these structures without any mechanical help must have been extremely difficult.

We all attempted to build our own "step pyramid" out of Lego. The task sounded easy but we soon found we had many construction challenges.

At work... not so easy after all! But we saw success!

Thursday 23rd November

In Literacy this week we have begun to look at a new text:

We have analysed the 'blurb' to give us an indication of what the book might be about. Then we looked at the preface:

Name all the people

You're always thinking about

People are poems

We have begun to elicit themes and images that might "run through" the book. Here we are recording our findings and opinions:

Thursday 17th November

It has been a very busy week in Oak Class. We have experienced taking SATs papers in Mathematics, which we all agreed was challenging. However we all felt this was a great opportunity to showcase our knowledge. Everyone is proud of our dedication and application.

In Literacy we have completed our text "The Cat Mummy". We listened to the final chapters this afternoon and were filled with a range of emotions. We all agreed that it is a fantastic book.

Today we wrote diary entries in role as Verity, the main character.

Here we are at work:

Thursday 10th November

The highlight of our week has been showcasing our musical prowess!

At a Key Stage assembly we performed two pieces that we have been learning. These pieces will form part of the Christmas Nativity performance.

Here we are on stage!

Thursday 3rd November
This week we have been given a special challenge! We have been learning how to ride our bikes safely on the road. It was a great experience and we loved every minute of every session - despite the cold.

Here we are and off we go!

In our Creative Curriculum topic - Ancient Egypt we have been learning about Tutankhamun, the Egyptian boy pharaoh. We studied his death mask and used our observational drawing skills to create his mask.

Here we are at work:

Thursday 20th October

Monday saw the culmination of our Outdoor Learning Week! Yes it was "market place" day but also the day we had to present our trim trail designs to our client Miss Froggatt. We felt that Miss Froggatt was very fair and clearly had the interests of every child at Manea at the heart of her decision making. She did ask us some tough questions though!

Whilst we had to employ many of our Maths skills we learnt a huge amount about running a business.


Thursday 13th October

What a busy week!

On Monday we had our first "Computing Day". We spent the day learning about spreadsheets.
During the day we learnt how to construct a spreadsheet, enter data and use different formulae.

This week has been Outdoor Learning week, with a focus upon Mathematics. Our challenge has been to submit plans for a new trim trail for our client Miss Froggatt.
We have had to select a suitable site and work out an area of 11m² to fulfil our client's wishes! Next we calculated the perimeter and costed fence and gate materials whilst working to a budget. Today we have selected trim trail equipment to meet the client's needs and budget. Then we drew a scale plan and costed our designs.

Here we are at work:

Each company will be presenting their design briefs to Miss Froggatt.
To find out which design met with our client's approval visit the Market Place on Monday 17th October. Don't miss it!

Thursday 6th October

Another busy week.

In Literacy we have continued to develop our analysing skills. We listened to another chapter of "the Cat Mummy" and took notes.

We used these notes to retell the part of the story where Mabel has been unwell and has gone missing. We used gestures and vocal expression to bring the scene alive.

We really enjoyed this acting session!


Jake said:  "This was the best ever acting. I really enjoyed playing grandad. It allowed me to be old, grumpy and miserable! I didn't have to explain my emotions. As my character I gave them what for!!!"







Thursday 29th September

What a busy week!
In Literacy we have learnt to analyse a narrative text. Using our class text "The Cat Mummy" we had to look for evidence in the text that Mabel was ill.

Here we are at work:

Our Science topic is "Living Things and their Habitats". This week we have discussed the seven characteristics of living things and used this information to solve the question: "Is a balloon alive?" What do you think?
Then we investigated living things and their habitats in our school grounds. We realised that our school grounds provided a variety of habitats.

See us at work:


 This week some of the year five and six's had the opportunity to make their very own board games.  They planned and executed their final designs wonderfully!

Thursday 15th September

This week we have continued to study our text "The Cat Mummy". We discussed the features of an instruction text and then set about putting these into action!

Our challenge ... we sat back to back and had to draw a picture. Then the fun began - we had to give instructions to our partner so that he/she could reproduce the original picture.

Here is how we got on:

Jake said: "This was much harder than I thought, my instructions had to be so accurate. It was fun though!"

Emma-Louise said: "This is hard! Much harder than I thought it would be!"


Thursday 8th September

Our first full week in Oak Class has certainly been busy.

We have begun our new topics. We are studying "Ancient Egypt" in history and we have started looking at well known places and famous Egyptians.

Who is this?

Today we began our Science topic on "Living Things and their Habitats". We spent time discussing the basic needs of living things.

During our PE session we developed our team working and collaboration skills whilst having fun.

The pace was fast and furious...

Thursday 1st September

Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class!

We have had a fantastic start to our final year at Manea Primary School.
This morning we discussed what we were looking forward to this year. Here are many of our thoughts:

  • learning new things
  • being kept busy
  • lots of challenges
  • working hard
  • trips and visits including the Residential Trip
  • being proud of our achievements and making others proud of us
  • sharing our work
  • having fun, and
  • even the SATs where we can showcase our learning

Here we are hard at work:
