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Please find your homework below. Remember there are three different challenges, but you only need to do one for Literacy and one for Maths. We are expecting most of you to choose either the spicy or hot challenges. There is no expectation for you to print any sheets, we have just included them for those of you that prefer homework in that format.




Amazing news: Ash class have read- 1,309,506 words so far this year!


We continue to expect you to read five times a week at home. You can still do your AR tests at home as well as  at school using the link below.


This week we have been working on division.


For your homework, practise your quick recall of division facts using your nine times tables.



Medum: Practise dividing by sharing: e.g.


Spicy: Use the sheet below or TT Rockstars to practise the 9 times table and the corresponding division facts.


Hot: Apply your division facts to solving problems e.g.

1) David says “I’m not very confident with my 9’s but I know my 10’s.” Explain how David can use his knowledge of the 10 times      table to help him solve his 9’s.
2) Create a word problem that requires you to use the 9 x table.



