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Wednesday 6th January

Wednesday 6th January

Your timetable for today is below. You can alter the order of the lessons, but this is what you will need to cover for today. Remember to send your work into 

Thank you Mrs Revell and Miss Miller.


45 minutes


15 minutes

Guided Reading



15 minutes

Mental calculations

45 minutes




45 minutes


15 minutes

Mrs Wordsmith and

Spellings test


Please watch the clip below. This is a lesson to cover the features of a newspaper report. Then I have attached some examples of newspaper reports for you to label. Then look at other examples of newspaper reports you have at home and label the features of them.

This lesson has been produced by Oak Academy and is deemed suitable for classroom use in upper primary school. It contains a clip from a PG film which contains moderate violence.

Guided Reading
Mental Calculations


This week we started to look at perimeter or rectilinear shapes. Perimeter is the measurement of the outside of a shape. Click on the link below which shows what a perimeter is of a rectilinear shape.

Have a go at the activities at the bottom to work out the perimeters.


Work through the attached powerpoint and complete the activity at the end.

Mrs Wordsmith

Like we do in class, work through the attached powerpoint exploring the word 'brazen'. Then write three sentences with the word 'brazen' in.


On a Wednesday we usually have our spelling test. These are the spellings from the homework you were given to complete over the Christmas break. Ask someone in your household to read the words out to you one at a time, then write the words down. Then mark the spellings afterwards. We would love to know what your score is. Good luck!


Group 1: rough, tough, enough, cough, trough, bough, plough, dough, though, although, nought, bought, thought, fought, brought.

Group 2: therefore, though, although, thought, through, brought, various, weight, woman, women.

Group 3: wing, fang, clang, thing, stronger, cooling.
