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We have been really impressed with all of your homework. Don't forget to send it in to us at the email address:  We can't wait to see how you are challenging yourselves! 


Medium: This week, we were looking at subtraction. Can you use a number line to subtract numbers from 30 e.g 21-7  13-5   19-4. You could do the sheet below if you wanted to but remember you don't need to print anything.


Spicy/ Hot: Keep practising your eight times table. How quick are you at recalling them?


Choose one of the ideas below, or think of your own way to practise. 

You could... 

- practise using TT Rockstars 

- create your own timestables board game 

- complete the worksheet attached

- write it outside with chalk 

- turn it into a competition with members of your family

- Kick a ball back and forth reciting your times tables each time.


Medium: Practise writing sentences using full stops and capital letters. You could use this sheet to help.

Spicy/ Hot: This week we looked at the difference between there and their. You could look at the link below to remind yourself of how to use them. 
Now write some sentences using each of them or you could complete the sentences on the worksheet below. Remember you don't need to print it.       

Spellings - Medium

We will now be practising words we are using in class. Try to say these words in a sentence and then have a go at writing them. If you would prefer to learn only five, that is absolutely fine. 

Spellings - Spicy / Hot
