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We have been reading our new book - The Runaway Pea - this is the book that we received at the end of last half term from Booktrust.  Mrs Stevens read it to us at snacktime and we talked about what we enjoyed.  We had lots of favourite parts of the story- Mrs Stevens liked it best when the pea fell in the goldfish bowl!  What was your favourite part?

We have started our new diaries.  At the end of last half term we chose a picture to put on the front and cut it out.  This week we have been talking about all the wonderful things that we did over half term and have then focussed on the initial sounds in words.  In our diaries we have then written the letters that represented the initial sounds.  We also had to remember to hold our pencils correctly and listened to how to form the letters.  Wow - what hard work!


We are also celebrating the work that we have been doing over the first half term -we are looking through our learning journeys and saying what we enjoyed most - also thinking about what we would like to do next!

We have really enjoyed this game - linked to our homecorner party! - you have to count the beans on the gingerbread men and then put them on the right tray - it has to match the correct numeral - once they are on the tray then you can check to see if you are correct.

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