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Thursday 14th

Good morning


The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 

With permission from Harper Collins

With permission from Harper Collins part 3


LO: To vary sentence starters 

This year, we have looked at many different types of sentence starters. If you have received your packs already, there is a sheet in there which will help you remember. 

See if you can write an emotion word sentence and a 3ed sentence. The topic can be your choice. 


Have a look at these different ways to start a sentence:  

Roll a dice and practice using the sentence starter next to the number. Use the pictures as inspiration for your ideas.




Activity: Have a look at the extract below. Can you improve it by varying the sentence starters I have used?


LO: To begin to convert time from analogue to digital 


Don't forget to start today's lesson by practising your seven times tables. 


Now let's think back to our work on time. What does AM and PM mean? Is the time 9PM at night or in the morning? What might you be doing at 8am?


Today we are going to look at digital time. What do you know about a digital clock?



Click here to follow a lesson showing you how to convert analogue and digtal times. 

Then try the worksheet below. 

Guided Reading

LO: To write my own version of a text

Think about the theme of this text. Can you write your own version, when a different animal meets Santa? Make sure you show the character's reaction to meeting him. For example, Rocky bounded towards him with his tongue flapping. How will you show that a cat is excited? Or even a tortoise? 

Mrs Wordsmith 

LO: To review words we have learnt before

Have a look at some of the words that we have learnt this year. Play a game with somebody in your family- give them the meaning and see if they can guess the word or perhaps you could draw a picture.


Dusk, Shimmering, Scrawny, Insecure, Blustery, Howl, Dewy, Sweltering, Electrifying, Hazy, Downpour, Scrumptious, Ravenous, Twilight


LO: To recognise and classify invertebrates.

Science- invertebrates

We have thought about different ways to group living things. But today we are going to be thinking specifically about invertebrates.

Use the PowerPoint below to discover the different groups of invertebrates.


Then go on a walk of your local area, you could visit the wood or just go into your back garden. Can you find any invertebrates? You could use the classification key to help you identify them. Draw pictures of what you find.
