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26th March

Good afternoon everyone


We hope you are keeping well. Next week is the final week before Easter. We will set enough work for tomorrow (Friday), Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. As Thursday 2nd April would normally be your Easter holiday, we won't set any tasks for that day. 


We hope you have been keeping up with your work. Try not to fall behind as when we return we will pick up where we would naturally be and we will assume you have been completing the work set. Please do feel free to send us any work or pictures of things you have done. We will reply to all emails sent to the class email. We can only monitor Starz and not reply, so if you have any questions then please do message us on the email address. 


Anyway, back to work. These are the things we would like you to complete this week. You will have four days. 


Maths - Please complete the blank times table grid in your pack. You should do this independently. Please check it when you have finished. Then we would like you to complete a times table test every day. These are attached. Do this without the grid and then use the grid to mark your work. 


There is a ratio and proportion word problem sheet in your pack. Please complete this. You might have to remind yourself about ratio. Use BBC Bitesize and the internet to help. 


English - Please find above the attached lessons for persuasive writing this week.


Guided Reading - Select a book that you know well (of a suitable reading level) and complete one of the following activities.

. Write a list of five questions that you would like to ask the author about the book you are reading.

. Make a WANTED poster for the villain in your story. Include a physical description and a reward for information.

. Decide which character from the story you are most like and why.

. Write a letter to one of the main characters from your story, explaining what the other characters in the story think of them and any specific events they might not know about. 

. Pick three descriptive words from your text and explain why you think the author chose that word.


Oracy: Take some time this week to have a healthy debate with someone. The subject can be whatever you like, from current world issues to 'What is the best colour?' Remember to take your turn and show the other person that you are listening and engaging with the points they are making.


Mrs Wordsmith - Write two sentences for each word: Peer, sleepless, unruly, remote, dilapidated. 


R.E - Buddhists teach that we should act wisely and compassionately. Look up these words. Draw two pictures that show how you have acted with wisdom and then with compassion. 


P.E  -  Join the hype (if you haven't already) and try one of Joe Wicks' online PE lessons. His youtube channel streams a live lesson at 9am each morning, or you can select the videos later and follow them at your leisure! .


Geography - Create a poster/leaflet/fact file/guide about the Amazon rainforest. Include information about location, size, wildlife, deforestation, temperature, weather and the people who live there. Your science work should help with this, so it might be a good idea to do science before geography. 


History -  As this will be our final week studying the Ancient Maya Civilisation, it would be great to see you create something to showcase some of your learning. This can be entirely led by you. Some ideas include:

- Making a recipe using ingredients the Maya would have used.

- Creating an informative poster or fact file about the Maya

- Making a sculpture of a Maya temple

- Doing some more in-depth research on a specific area e.g. calendars

- Creating a PowerPoint presentation 





For the final section in this topic, we are going to the look at the life cycle of a plant. This is the only life cycle we haven’t looked at yet. What do you think the life cycle of a plant looks like? Have a go at drawing it. 


Please now go through the attached Power Point and the attached information sheet. 


You now have all the information to draw the life cycle of a plant accurately. Use all your notes to help you draw this life cycle. Remember to add diagrams, labels and explanations at each stage, just as you would do in class. 


Challenge yourself - Go outside and pretend to be a wildlife presenter. Explain the life cycle of a plant to your viewers, using examples from your garden to help. 


Any questions then do get in touch. We will send a quick message next week, but we won't set any work. 

Our thoughts are with you.

Mrs Causer and Miss Miller



