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Some Exciting News for our EYFS class

A BIG thank you to MJS construction ...


During the Summer term of 2023, the EYFS team decided to create a new outdoor area.  This would be to develop PSE, physical development, communication, language and literacy, maths, understanding of the world and imaginative play.  The children already used a small stone area to develop these areas but a larger area became available which would develop and extend thinking.  A request was put on social media and we were very lucky that MJS construction agreed to support us.


MJS agreed to donate a large amount of pebbles that would fill the new area, enabling a construction approach to be used.  During this time they also offered to support us further by donating more equipment.  Mr Robinson then set to work, creating the area and filling it with the donated stones.  A further delivery then came from MJS construction........ it was very exciting!  They had sourced some hard hats, safety googles, ear defenders, construction vests and........two sit on diggers!


We are so lucky that our community comes to the rescue when funds are low and want to send our thanks to all concerned.
