Our learning walk this week continued our work on 'Once Upon a Time'. Discussions took place about the different characters and what we could create for them. Each group then decided on what they would do:
The hedgehogs decided to make a haunted house for the Witch to make her spells in. It had two chimneys for her to climb out of and also a secret cupboard to hide the potions!
The squirrels decided to make a witches castle to protect her from the giant! They added two towers and even a fire exit 'In case there is a fire!'
The Robins decided to make the 3 bears a house with wall and a fire to keep them warm. They also added potions to make rainbows and a potion to help her fly without needing her broom.
The Foxes then agreed to help Red Riding Hood by building her a house in the block area to keep her safe from the Big Bad Wolf! They made windows with one opener and shutter so that she could see when the wolf came!
Look at the photos below of our creations:
In other learning we are finding out about patterns! We are investigating different patterns that we notice in the world around us, then creating our own patterns. We are also then continuing patterns and finding out if a pattern has gone wrong.
We are learning new sounds and continuing with our blending, segmenting and handwriting work.
We are also practicing our tricky words which will be coming home in our reading diaries this week. Good luck recognising these!
Please see the home link document about which has full details of our learning this week with additional information about how you can support learning at home. If you require any further information, please email Mrs Stevens on pineclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk.
Our forest school session was used to create new hedgehog houses and extend the learning that we have previously worked on. Lots of discussion took place about what would be best to use - leaves will make it soft, they will make a good roof so that nobody spots the hedgehog and grass that will keep it warm! Look at our creations below:
The Christmas Elf has sent us a tree and some boxes to investigate........
We then decided to create some of our own decorations to make the tree look wonderful and used the books to help make a Christmas reading area!
We then continued our decoration skills by creating our own Christmas trees in our forest school work