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WB 21.06.21

And so we come to the end of another busy week in Elm Class!


In Literacy, we have become story innovators and have worked hard to create story maps for the tale of Little Red Riding Hood... but with a twist! We have expertly combined Little Red Riding Hood with the classic story 'Handa's Surprise'; instead of Little Red Riding Hood walking through the forest to find the Big Bad Wolf in Grandma's bed, we have Handa walking through the Savanna to find a lion in Grandma's bed instead! 


In Maths, we have returned to work on part-part-whole models, bar models and number bonds to solve missing number problems. The children have also continued to work through their end of year Maths assessments, and we are very proud of how they have tried to apply their problems solving skills.


In our Foundation work, we have had a history focus this week and have enjoyed finding out about the Wright Brothers, who invented the world's first aeroplane. We were fabulous at comparing their 'Wright Flyer' to a modern day jet, saying how the two were similar and different. We also were amazed to find out that the first hot air balloon was made in the 1780s, and powered by burning old shoes and rotten meat! Who knew!


Have a lovely weekend everyone.
