This week we have all been focusing on our descriptive writing and have imagined a journey through the jungle. We thought about what we might see, hear, feel and smell and used a range of exciting adjectives to describe our settings. Year 2 have also challenged themselves by adding similes.
Year 1 have been working on position and direction and have been exploring the language of 1/2 turn, 1/4 turn, clockwise and anti-clockwise. They have had lots of fun playing games on the playground and following direction commands. Year 2 have been completing some outdoor learning challenges and have been working on explaining their answers and using jottings.
This week we have finsihed our DT projects and have made our own healthy smoothies. Everyone safely and carefully prepared their chosen fruits before adding them to a blender with some fruit juice. We then had lots of fun tasting our delicious smoothies.
We also enjoyed sharing our play, A Jungle Adventure, with our families. Everyone worked so hard on learning their lines, songs and dance routines. Well done, Year 1&2!