Friday 5th March 2021
And the winners are...!
Miss Froggatt and Mrs Stevens have spent a long time this morning looking at all your entries, and after much deliberation have picked a winner from Early Years/ Key Stage 1 and a winner from Key Stage 2! Have a look below to find out who they are!
We will be in touch with our winners via email very soon.
Thank you to everyone who entered - we hope you had lots of fun taking part! You are all superstars!
Thursday 4th March 2021
We are absolutely amazed by the number of entries we have had for our World Book Day 'Character Creators' competition! Well done everyone that has taken part.
Don't forget that you have until midday today to send your entry to Mrs Johnson, at
In a slight change, the winners will be announced on this page at lunchtime tomorrow, not this afternoon as previously stated. Make sure to check back then to see all the wonderful entries and find out who our lucky Early Years/ Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 winners are!