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WB 07.06.21

Phew, what a hot week it has been! The children have loved the warmer weather, and it has been lovely to have our RE sessions outdoors in the shade of the big tree, listening to stories from the Bible and thinking about the messages that they give to Christian people. 


In Literacy, we have been thinking about the fairy tale, 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We have been reading and discussing the story, sequencing the main events and also orally retelling the story to one another. We have also been carrying out some top secret preparations for our contribution to this year's virtual Summer performance, which may or may not be linked to Jack and the Beanstalk as well!


In Maths, we have been having a recap of key skills this week. We have spent time looking at things like ordering amounts and identifying odd and even numbers. 


We have all had a lovely first week back. Grown ups, please don't forget to send your child with a bottle of water and a sunhat, now that the warmer weather is here at last. 


Have a super weekend everyone, and we will see you Monday.
