We have made healthy kebabs to help Mr Grinling keep fit.
This week we have continued with our work on The Lighthouse Keeper and extended our investigations into under the sea. We have created an under the sea artwork in our classroom and also a story area to create our own under the sea stories.
In our literacy we have written our diaries and also a caption to describe our kebabs that we made in our healthy eating work. We were set the challenge to create a healthy kebab for Mr Grinling so that he did not always eat rubbish. They were delicious and will definitely help him.
In our maths work we are looking at numbers to 20, ordering them and discussing what we notice. We have also played lots of games developing this understanding which we have really enjoyed.
We have also been practicing for our sports day, making sure that we know all the skills we need and helping our friends in the relay races. We are really looking forward to sharing this with our families next week.