We have been really impressed with all of your homework. Don't forget to send it in to us at the email address: ashclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk. We can't wait to see how you are challenging yourselves!
Medium: This week, we were looking at subtraction. Can you use a number line to subtract numbers from 30 e.g 21-7 13-5 19-4. You could do the sheet below if you wanted to but remember you don't need to print anything.
Spicy/ Hot: Keep practising your eight times table. How quick are you at recalling them?
Choose one of the ideas below, or think of your own way to practise.
You could...
- practise using TT Rockstars
- create your own timestables board game
- complete the worksheet attached
- write it outside with chalk
- turn it into a competition with members of your family
- Kick a ball back and forth reciting your times tables each time.
Medium: Practise writing sentences using full stops and capital letters. You could use this sheet to help.
Spellings - Medium
We will now be practising words we are using in class. Try to say these words in a sentence and then have a go at writing them. If you would prefer to learn only five, that is absolutely fine.