In literacy this week we started our new text. This whole term we will be reading Percy and the Park Keeper stories and we have started with One Snowy Night. We have been writing a diary entry about our Christmas holidays and spending lots of time reading our new story and getting to know the characters. We have also been using our inference skills to say what we see, what we think and what we wonder about a picture from One Snowy Night.
This week in our maths the year 1 children have been learning how to make equal groups. We have explored how many different ways different amounts can be split into equal groups.
In year 2 we have been looking at how these equal groups are represented by division number sentences.
In our Foundation lessons this week, we have had a PSHE focus. We have been thinking about 'Rights, Responsibilities and Respect' and have been discussing our responsibilities at home and at school. We have also been thinking about what it means to be respectful and how we can show respect to others.