22nd July
The final week!
Here in Willow Class we can hardly believe that the year is at an end and it is time for the summer. This week we have bared the heat and finished off the year in style.
We have written incredible stories, solved maths problems and created our own computer games using scratch.
From all of us here in Willow Class, have a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
15th July
Our words of the day this week have been:
Astonishing contented demolish
In literacy this week we have been writing our own stories about a picture. We first added key vocabulary to the picture and then discussed how we could use this in our work.
This week we have been able to experience what it was like to be a teacher. As part of our PSHE lessons we have been planning and delivering lessons about exercise, health, alcohol and smoking. We have been talking a lot about healthy and unhealthy food and teaching each other about what we know.
In forest school, we have been learning about ourselves. So we decided to make story sticks to represent ourselves. Some of us chose, feathers to show our favourite animals, stars to show that we were stars, flowers to show that we liked nature and some of us even created objects such as fishing rods and boats to show our hobbies.
We were then given a picture of a mythical creature and were asked to design a place for it to stay for the night. Some of us made dens, others created outdoor gyms for our creatures.
8th June
Our words of the day this week have been:
Wispy Auspicious Tangy
In maths this week we have been developing our problem solving skills. Miss Smith has set us a whole range of challenges this week all set to develop our ability to problem solve. It took us a little while to realise that we didn't always need to get the correct answer and to be able to really face these tricky challenges head on!
In Literacy we have been writing explanation texts to develop our understanding of paragraphs and subheadings. Miss Smith has been SO impressed with our work. We have explained how stars are formed, how shoes work, how scooters are powered and many more amazing things!
In the afternoons we have been looking at photography. We have taken the iPads outside to take photos of things we found interesting to fit into the following categories:
We had so much fun! Check out some of our best shots below.
1st July
Our words of the day this week were:
Sweltering Overpowering Apprehensive
In Literacy this week we have been preparing for a debate. On Monday, Miss Smith asked us about how long we would like as breaktimes each day. We discussed how we would like more than the current 75 minutes of both break and lunch and wanted to extend lunch further.
We then researched the benefits and downfalls of breaktimes including the impact it would have on our health as well as the potential to fall out with friends. We discussed in groups the debates and practised debating with a partner.
On Thursday, we put all of our ideas together in groups and came up with the a motion we wanted to pass within the class. The two teams debated excellently before the audience came to their decision.
After all that debating, it turns out the against side won!!! And so we will not be having extra lunch time after all!
24th June
This week's word of the days were:
Deluge Dilapidated Parched
In maths, we finished our final block on time. We were looking at converting analogue to digital times and found it very useful to look at our own watches to support our understanding.
In literacy we have been writing spooky setting descriptions as part of our work for the Powerful Words Project. We were excellent at choosing different Mrs Wordsmith words to use in our work and they sound amazing!
This week we were lucky enough to visit the life bus. We spoke all about our bodies and were fabulous at finding all of the organs inside of us. We learnt all about how our bodies work and the effects alcohol and drugs can have on our brains and nervous systems. We spoke a lot about how we can take good care of our bodies and helped out Harold to solve problems he was having with his friends.
17th June
This week's words of the day have been:
Voracious excruciating deluge
It has been a very busy week in Willow Class this week! In literacy this week we have been researching different natural disasters to write our own fact files. We have chosen some very interesting topics including Hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the Haitian Earthquake.
In maths we have continued our work on telling the time. We are getting very good and have even managed to tell the time using Roman Numerals!
Our afternoons have been all about the digestive system and on Wednesday we created our very own system to see how the food travels through our bodies. (Unfortunately Miss Smith was in such a mess after being covered in baked beans and mashed up biscuits that she didn't manage to get any pictures! She is very sorry!)
On Thursday we had sports day which was a great success. Miss Smith was very proud of all of us as we have been practising hard for the running races especially.
10th June
What a busy week!!
The week started nice and calmly, with a quick audition for our roles in the class production followed by business and lessons as usual. However, all was soon to change! Tuesday saw us have a whole day of PE (which will continue for the next few weeks) where we thoroughly enjoyed our cricket lesson with the sports coach and were fantastic at swimming!
On Wednesday morning, the builders arrived earlier than planned to fit our brand new whiteboard and so we had to relocate into the hall. Being the professionals that we are, we amazed Miss Smith by performing our class production flawlessly (or almost) on only the second day of having the script! We spent the next few hours working tirelessly on dance routines, songs and our acting to make sure it is all ready to go!
In our afternoon lessons we have been learning all about our teeth. We learnt about the roles of the teeth and then had the opportunity to test eating malteasers on each different tooth to see how they worked.
3rd June
Welcome back! Our words of the day this week have been:
Gorge Inhale Rugged
In maths this week we have tackled column subtraction. We all impressed Miss Smith with our excellent perseverance and we were able to solve some super tricky questions!
In Literacy we have been writing formal and informal letters. We have been able to use formal language effectively and talk confidently about why it should be used.
During the afternoons, we have been learning about sound in science. We have enjoyed watching the vibrations that cause sounds when we have been playing a variety of instruments. We also went outside to see how far we could make sound travel.
We have also been talking about how we can soundproof buildings and rooms. We spoke about how ear muffs and ear defenders work by absorbing some of the sound so that it can't enter our ears.
We then designed and made our own ear muffs using a range of materials and tested them to see which ones worked the best. We made a LOT of mess, but had great fun testing out our creations.
20th May
This week we have been writing our stories based on the book Escape from Pompeii. We have enjoyed writing about how our characters escape from the disasters and using our Mrs Wordsmith words of the day to make our writing even better.
In maths we have been looking at a variety of different word problems to improve our technique. We have been working very hard at it and improved so much over the week.
For our afternoon sessions we have been doing some DT work. Miss Smith braved it and let us all loose with needles and thread as we tackled sewing and made it out alive! We carefully designed our own Roman tunics before using running and overcast stitches to sew them together. They look amazing!!
13th May
Our words of the day this week have been:
Nocturnal Stunned Turbulent
In Literacy this week we have been planning our own stories. Throughout this term we have been reading the book Escape from Pompeii. We are planning our own versions of this book about different disasters. Some of us have pirates escaping tsunamis, whilst others have children our own age running from earthquakes. We are looking forward to reading the stories we create next week!
In maths we have been continuing our topic of fractions. We have been working very hard to find fractions of amounts, which we have been super at!!
7th May
Our words of the day this week have been:
Tempestuous Siege Immerse
In Literacy this week we have bee writing character descriptions for the 2 leading characters in our story. We have been reading Escape from Pompeii and have been learning all about Tranio and Liv. We have looked at using BOYS sentences (but, or, yet, so) and 2A sentences to describe them.
In maths we have been looking at fractions of number. We have put our times table knowledge to good use to be able to start solving questions such as 7/9 of 81. Miss Smith was very impressed!!
We have started our work on the Romans this week where we have been learning all about where they came from and how they invaded. We have looked at maps of Europe to work out which countries were invaded and how the Celts were pushed out of France and then the UK!
29th April
Our words of the day this week have been:
Idyllic Alarmed Conquer
In literacy this week we have had a focus on vocabulary. We have started to read the story Escape From Pompeii and used this story to describe what Pompeii and Naples look like. We started the week by unpicking the language used by the author and decided that some of the words she used could be up-levelled! We used vocabulary ladders to explore these words and to try and create some more interesting sentences.
In maths we have returned to multiplication by using the grid method. We have worked hard all week to apply our times table skills, with some of us even managing questions such as 124x32!!
On Monday we had an excellent opportunity to visit Ely and Prickwillow Museums. We were learning all about Fenland and how the drains were created. We met a range of different characters through history who told us all about how they helped create the drains. We were able to make our own wind turbines and then test them out in the wind tunnels. We also made flood alarms to warn people when the rivers could burst their banks.
23rd April
Our words of the day this week have been:
Dash Succulent Clammy
In maths this week we have tackled the tricky subject of estimating. We really embraced the challenge of estimating the answers to calculations through rounding numbers, even though we found it tricky at first. Miss Smith was very impressed with our resilience and ability to persevere!
In Literacy we have been looking at poetry. On Tuesday we wrote some amazing poems using onomatopoeia all about volcanoes and hurricanes. We then moved on to looking into rhyme and rhythm and were able to create poems to perform on Thursday!
In topic we have started our geography topic of Disasters! We learnt all about the structure of the Earth on Tuesday where we made the different layers out of playdoh. We then cut them open to see the layers for ourselves. We have also been learning about the tectonic plates and the roles they play in earthquakes and volcanoes.
On Thursday we built our own earthquake proof buildings which survived Miss Smith's shaking!
1st April
This year is flying by! We have now finished Spring term and are looking forward to a well deserved Easter break.
In literacy this week we have tackled a big topic. Our story, Way Home, has shown us that the main character does not have a home. On Monday we spoke about what homelessness means and the affect is has on people. We researched homelessness in the UK and spoke about the issues people are facing. On Tuesday we had a debate with our peers about some controversial statements. We spoke about the rules of debating in the classroom and were very respectful of everyone's opinions.
By the end of the week we had written persuasive letters to get more people on board to help the homeless and to try and tackle the issue.
In the afternoons we have been learning all about filming. We have been making film trailers for our story, Way Home, using iMovie on the iPads. We had to look carefully at the camera angles needed for each section before planning out the shots we wanted to take. On Wednesday we went outside to film the trailers! They look excellent.
25th March
Our words of the day this week have been:
Nauseating Submerged Blustery
In maths this week we have been practising reading scales with a focus on using grams and kilograms. On Monday we used a range of scales to solve different challenges in our maths area. This involved us weighing items in the classroom to find the heaviest and lightest items as well as mixing coloured liquids together to make potions.
On Tuesday we used the scales to weigh out ingredients to make scones. They were fantastic!
As part of our science topic on plants, we visited the woods on Thursday to look at classifying the plants there. We spent some time looking at the leaves on the trees as well as the bark to see if we could use our keys to sort them. We then looked closer to the ground to spot the different types of grass and weeds that grew there.
18th March - Science week!
Our words of the day this week have been:
Pot-bellied Downpour Moonlit
What a fabulous week!
This week was science week and we were learning all about journeys. We started the week by talking about what journeys were and what our favourite journey was! We spoke a lot about how a journey doesn't have to be going somewhere and our learning and personal journeys were just as exciting.
On Tuesday we began building helicopters to test how quickly we could get them to the ground. We found that the heavier the helicopter was, the faster it travelled.
On Wednesday we made paper aeroplanes. We tried really hard to make them so that they would fly the furthest and changed variables such as the shape of their noses, the size of the wings and the material they were made out of.
We measured the flights using metres on tape measures. At the end of the lesson we had a competition to see which plane would fly the furthest. We concluded that light, thin planes flew further.
We have also been lucky enough this week to have some fantastic visitors come in.
On Thursday morning, Mrs Carter came and told us all about diabetes. She told us all about the medicine used to treat diabetes as well as how we can help to prevent getting it. We then tested urine to find out whether the patients had diabetes or not.
In the afternoon we had a visit from Mr Arnold who spoke to us all about jet engines and his job. We were amazed by his work and couldn't stop talking about it!
11th March
Our words of the day this week have been:
Rolling Relentless Stagnant
We have had such a busy week here in Willow Class! To start off we would like to say a huge well done to everyone for the exceptional class assembly on Thursday! We have been practising hard for many weeks and the children made us so proud. Thank you to all of the parents who came to watch as well! We couldn't do it without you.
In maths this week we have started learning how to use column addition. We have really taken it all in our stride and some of us have been able to solve problems in the thousands!
In Literacy this week we have been writing diary entries. We have been learning how to write in the past tense and use the tricky exception verbs such as thought, caught, threw and bought.
We have been using our words of the day to talk about how the characters are feeling in the story, using words such as
4th March
This week, our words of the day have been:
Glimpse Optimistic Tangled
On Monday we had the opportunity to visit Cavalry school to complete some artwork. We were making Iron Age warrior masks out of clay. We worked very hard to complete our work and cannot wait to see it once it has been in their kiln! We are also looking forward to showcasing our work at the art exhibitions soon. Check the calendar for more information!
Our class book this term for literacy has been Wall, by Tom Clohosy Cole. This week we have seen the main character look at different ways of escaping over the wall. On Thursday we spent the afternoon building escape routes out of everything we could find in our classroom. We then wrote instructions for our escape routes on Friday. They looked amazing!
25th February
Welcome back!
This week, the words of the day have been....
Imposing Dreary Barren
In literacy this week we have been exploring letter writing. We have a new class text called Wall. We have been exploring the pictures and discussing the characters we can see. We have discovered that the character and his Dad have been separated by a wall and have been communicating through letters. We have learnt all about formal and informal language and used this to write our own letters.
In maths we have been looking at equivalent fractions. We have used the resources in our maths area to make different fractions and then used these to find the equivalents. We even spotted that we could find fractions equivalent to 1/2 by doubling and halving!
11th February
This week was maths week! We have spent the week learning all about perimeter. On Monday we looked at different shapes and had to figure out their perimeters before Miss Smith set us the challenge of designing a house with a perimeter of 70cm.
We were quick to take on the challenge and soon we were away building our excellent houses. We used the saws to cut wood and had the tricky task of sticking everything together. But, with much perseverance, and some helpful adult help, we finally managed to pull off our designs in time for the marketplace on Thursday!
4th February.
Our words of the day this week have been:
Glum Affluent Suffocating
In Literacy this week we have been retelling the story of Varmints. We started the week by using the puppets to retell our stories and built our own settings with cubes.
We then went on to planning our stories about the Varmints to see what would happen in part 2!
In maths we have been using repeated subtraction to solve division questions. We spent Monday practicing counting backwards in 3's, 4's and 8's and were pleased to draw all over the floor (due to the wet weather) to play hopscotch!
Our afternoon lessons this week have been DT. We have been designing our very own houses inspired by those we saw out on our walk of Manea a few weeks ago. We designed them in groups and then set out to build a prototype, or a practice one!
We then evaluated our own designs and came up with some improvements. We will be making our final houses next week to be shown on the maths week marketplace! We hope to see you there.
28th January
Our words of the day this week have been:
Devastating Feud Snubbed
In Literacy this week we have been writing setting descriptions for our Varmints book. First, we drew pictures to show the setting before and after the arrival of the Others. We then layered tracing paper over the top to create a bank of exciting words we found in our Mrs Wordsmith dictionaries.
In maths this week we have been looking at using the grid method to solve multiplication problems. We have used our times tables to help us and have found that our use of TT Rockstars has helped us IMMENSELY! So please continue to use this at home. Miss Smith was very proud of us this week as we have been able to excel at using the grid method and even got to have a go at solving problems such as 35 x 42 which we took in our stride and really persevered with.
This week we have been looking at the Fenland Ark, a floating church which used to visit Manea! We have been building arks out of paper and blocks in class and then we used our forest school skill of knots to tie together sticks we found outside. Miss Smith apologises for the lack of photos of this as the camera ran out of charge within minutes of going outside!
21st January
Our words of the day this week have been:
Sparse Moist Bloodshot
In our book, Varmints, this week, we saw how one little character was trying hard to protect the wilderness in the big city. We have been researching how to save the environment and have created our own information leaflets. We were focusing on using paragraphs and subheadings to organise our own information. We have also planted our own little piece of wilderness in the form of cress seeds so that we can watch them grow!
In maths this week we have continued our focus on time.
On Monday we went outside with hula hoops to create our own clocks to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We then looked at how to tell the time to the nearest minute and using 24 hour digital clocks!!
14th January
In Literacy this week we have been writing newspapers. In our story of Varmints, the environment was attacked by The Others! We set about looking into how newspapers were set out and were able to cut up our classroom copies to highlight the features.
We then drew our own images and created captions to use within the newspapers before writing them during independent writing time on Friday.
Miss Smith then created our own class newspaper that we had written. Why not come by for Come and Read and have a look!
7th January
In Literacy this week Miss Smith told us about the new book we would be using in our lessons. She told us the name of the book, Varmints, and that the word meant a person or animal who is irritating or obnoxious.
We then did some work around these words in our vocabulary lessons and drew our own pictures based on what we thought these strange characters looked like.
Miss Smith then took us to the entrance to the Varmint's lair where we had to sit and listen carefully for signs of the Varmints! We sat quietly and wrote before taking some time to wander around the area looking for clues. We then used 2A sentences to describe what we could see and hear.
In maths we have been looking at place value.
We have been learning about identifying and representing numbers in different ways. We have used resources around our environment to try this out for ourselves.
On Thursday, we were given a series of numbers represented in different scripts. Our challenge was to work together to sort them into their scripts and then write the number 51 in each. We worked excellently in our pairs and used our reasoning skills to work out the different groups.
Note: Next week we will be learning how to tell the time. Any support with this at home would be greatly appreciated!
3rd January
With Christmas over and 2019 upon us we have taken our first week back in our stride.
In Literacy we have been learning a new sentence type. 2A sentences include 2 adjectives (A's) before the noun. We practised making 2A sentences about pictures of creepy, haunted houses and gargantuan, evil monsters before going outside to write some more about the natural environment.
In maths, we have been looking at place value. We explored different ways to represent different numbers.
We looked at drawing the numbers in different ways and built them using dice, coins, bead strings and much more.
17th December
That's a wrap on our first whole term in Year 3! We have spent this week making Christmas gifts for our families including cards, decorations and calendars. We hope everyone enjoyed them!
We also took some time to try speed stacking and worked together as a class to make the tallest tower we could. Miss Smith was very impressed when it was almost as tall as her!
We hope everyone has fantastic Christmas holiday. We shall see you in the new year!
10th December
We're almost there! Our first full term in Key Stage 2 is almost over and Christmas is nearly upon us. This week we have been busy making our Christmas hats ready for our Christmas lunch on Thursday. We loved painting the bands and getting messy to make our hand prints.
In maths this week we have been recapping our learning so far through lots of different challenges.
On Wednesday we braved the cold and took our rulers, metre sticks and tape measures outside for a lesson on measuring. We found that the tallest object we could measure was a 2m 20cm tree and the smallest was a tiny 1cm stick!
3rd December
In Literacy this week we have been writing play scripts. We worked hard in groups to write a script to perform using our shadow puppets that we have been making during forest school.
We practised using stage directions and character directions to help us with our work and came up with some excellent ideas.
26th November.
In maths this week we have started to look at fractions. We have been matching parts of whole fraction resources and discussing what we can see. We have also been counting in tenths and ordering lots of different fractions!
19th November
In maths this week we have been learning how to give change. After practising for a few days, Miss Smith set us a challenge! We had to build a bridge to hold the most weight. She had priced up the materials and given each group £5 to spend. We had to work out the cost of the materials we wanted to use and the change we would get. We then tested the strength of our bridges using weights.
On Wednesday we took a quick trip to the bottom field to collect sticks for forest school. We brought them back to the classroom where we were learning how to tie different knots. After many attempts, most of us were able to complete a clove hitch knot and secure another stick using square lashing.
12th November
In maths this week we have been looking at money. We have used resources to create amounts and discussed adding different amounts. We have been using our number line skills to add money and challenging ourselves in our environments.
This week was challenging stereotypes week. We had the topic of stereotypes in entertainment.
We spoke about how we were all different and what made us unique. We spoke in small groups about what we liked about one another and wrote this on our whiteboards. We then had a discussion about what makes other people different.
We listened to two video clips of singers, Conchita Wurst and Thomas Pound, and drew a picture of what they looked like. We were shocked to find out that Conchita had a beard and Thomas was in drag. We discussed how we had stereotyped these people and how this could be hurtful to their feelings.
Over the week we created posters to support our favourite dancers, singers and TV stars who were different and even wrote our own stories about them.
5th November
In maths this week we have been recapping using number lines for addition and subtraction. We have been using our knowledge of measures to convert between mm, cm and metres by multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We have been using our environments to practice using the number lines and to measure different objects.
This week we have started our Science unit of work. We have been investigating light sources and shadows. We have been talking a lot about what creates shadows and have enjoyed using the torches to explore materials.
On Thursday we conducted an investigation into materials which were opaque, translucent and transparent. We enjoyed designing our investigation and creating curtains out of our chosen material.
We took our learning further on Thursday and visited the woods. First we looked for signs of Autumn in the woods and spoke about the changing colours of leaves. We foraged for different leaves to create a colour pallette.
29th October
In maths this week we have been looking at measuring in millimetres, centimetres and metres. We have been investigating the length of different objects in our environments and challenging one another to order based on length and height.
We have then been looking at adding and subtracting length using a number line. We came up with 4 steps to adding and subtracting on a number line and have been working really hard to practice our skills.
In literacy we have been researching the Greek Gods and Goddesses to create fact files. We have been working in small groups to use the internet safely and discussing how we can be safe online.
We have been trying to organise our work into logical paragraphs which has helped us to use headings and subheadings in our work.
8th October
In maths this week we have been completing maths challenges about multiplication, division and shape. We have enjoyed investigating shapes and solving multiplication problems about them. For example, how many corners are there on 5 pentagons?
In literacy we have been writing Greek myths. Miss Smith has been very impressed with our enthusiasm to write and the vocabulary we have been using. We are continuing to have a word of the day (which we remind Miss Smith of all the time!) and we are beginning to use these more frequently in our work. Our favourite word is currently colossal.
1st October
In maths this week we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. In our environment we have had lolly sticks and pipe cleaners which we have been creating shapes out of.
We have also been making our own 3D shapes using nets and exploring the different nets of shapes.
Home learning
We have had some excellent home learning this week which we have loved sharing with the class.
24th September
In maths this week we have been solving division problems. We have used resources in our maths area to share between people before moving onto drawing circles to share into. We have solved word problems confidently all week and are very proud of our work.
We have loved using Times Table Rock Stars to learn our times tables and get the laptops out in school at every available opportunity.
In Literacy we have been describing settings. We have used Theseus and the Minotaur to describe a labyrinth using similes. We have been using Mrs WordSmith's word of the day to help us. Our words this week have been:
In the afternoons we have been looking at Ancient Greek entertainment. We started the week by learning about the Olympics, we even held our own in PE! We loved trying out the races and seeing whether our city could win.
We then looked at Greek theatres where we discovered they wore a lot of masks. We tried to make our own using paper mache, where Miss Smith discovered we did not like getting our hands dirty with glue! On Thursday we painted our masks and popped the balloons. We loved seeing if our masks would hold their shape!
This week our spellings will be past tense exception words- those which do not follow a rule. We have been learning them in class and using the magnetic letters to build them!
Please note: Miss Smith made an error on the spelling sheets where thought is on twice.
17th September 2018
In Literacy this week we started our work on stories. We have been reading Theseus and the Minotaur and exploring ways to describe the characters. We have been really engaged with our words of the day and have used bloodshot, gargantuan and fiery as adventurous adjectives in our descriptions.
We have also been looking at using similes. We went outside to describe objects and came up with some brilliant ideas! We then used these to describe the Minotaur as having a heart as black as the night sky, eyes like lava and horns as sharp as daggers.
This week Miss Smith taught us a new game to practice our spellings. We have been challenging each other during busy learning time to try our -ed words. All of that extra practice really paid off when we all got most of our spellings correct in our spelling test.
Next week we will be looking at words with a short vowel sound where we need to double the final letter before adding ed.
- Hopped
10th September
In maths this week we have been looking at place value. We have been set a range of challenges to complete during our busy learning time. We have embraced these challenges both inside and outside to get some amazing results.
We have also been using Say it, Write it, Draw it, Build it to look at different numbers. We have tried really hard to be creative with our work.
In Geography this week we have been using the story of The Wooden Horse to influence our work. We have been finding countries from around the world on maps and the focusing on Europe to plan routes for an attack!
On Wednesday we were pretending to be the Greeks on our way to save Helen from the army in Troy. We decided that we needed to build our own wooden horses to hide our army in. We created our own horses in the afternoon on the field and enjoyed working together to problem solve.
5th September 2018
Our very first week!
We have finished our first week in Key Stage 2! What a week it has been. We have had fun exploring our new classroom environment this week and were pleased to know that we would still be busy learning in Year 3.
In maths we have been showing Miss Smith what we can do using the four operations. We have emptied cupboards, boxes and trays to find all of the resources to use in our work. We have made been making some fantastic arrays and sharing out objects as well as completing maths games. We are also learning our 3 times tables!
In Literacy we have been researching countries in Europe ready to write our own fact files next week.
Our afternoon lessons this week were focused on PSHE. We have been learning about the feelings involved with new situations, such as starting school in a new class. We have discussed how we feel and how to manage our feelings. We were also able to design our own comic strips.