Medium | Spicy | Hot |
tail | here | medal |
fail | hear | meddle |
hail | heel | missed |
sail | heal | mist |
wait | main | scene |
pain | mane | seen |
aim | board | |
rain | male | bored |
main | knot | which |
snail | not | witch |
Medium: Using your spellings above, write captions and use the word and to extend the sentence.
Spicy/Hot: Write a letter to your new class teacher. Think about what you want them to know about you. Are you excited for anything? Are you nervous about anything?
Medium: collect pairs of items from around your home. Which one is heavier? Which one is lighter? Collect more than two items and order them by their weight. How many items can you order?
Spicy/Hot: This week we have been measuring mass. If you have time and the resources at home as if you are able to do some baking where you can measure the ingredients. If this is not possible look at some items in your food cupboards and create your own addition and subtraction sentences using the weights on the products.