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This week's work

This week we have started our new focus text of Elmer.  We have been planning our own story about an elephant, making sure our story has a beginning, middle and end.  We have also really focused on trying to make sure our writing includes all of our key skills; capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 


In our maths work we have revisited our number bonds to ten.  We are becoming more confident in these and are able to recall some, if not all, of them quickly.  Great work team :) 


We have been learning about collage in our art work, and have created an African landscape using the technique. 


I have included a link for the story of Elmer that you might like to share with your families.  Remember we have also read Elmer and Super El, and Elmer and the lost Teddy, which you might want to share with your family.  Remember that we have not yet read the other Elmer stories, as we are saving that for next week!


Don't forget to look at this week homework challenges, and send in photos of your work to Miss Denton on our class email



Anytime Tales Elmer
