Timetable - Thursday 14th January
Thursday |
Well being |
Literacy |
Guided Reading |
OMS Numeracy |
Numeracy |
PE |
French |
Please also remember to complete your reading for 20 minutes a day. Once you have finished your reading book, complete an AR test using the useful links page (tree icon).
Also, please complete 10 minutes of consolidating your times tables and division facts by using TTRockstars. The link for this is also on the useful link page (tree icon).
Today I'd like you to think about food. We know already that food affects our bodies. For example, fruit and vegetables can help to make us strong and fight illness. But we sometimes forget that food is important for our minds too.
Think about the ways you or others might use food as a way to celebrate or connect with others. One example could be celebrating a birthday with birthday cake. Think about your culture and how food can play a role there too. For example, in Britain many people eat a roast dinner on a Sunday and eat Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.
Collect all of your ideas together and make a picture/poster of foods which you eat as a way to connect with others, or for tradition. How do you feel when you get these foods?
Today you are going to be writing your newspaper reports. The video attached from Oak Academy will go through and model the success criteria to you. This will be:
- Use of time conjunctions
- Detailed facts
- Use of brackets
- Journalistic sentence starters
- A complex sentence with a relative clause
Guided Reading
Today in Guided Reading we are looking at the same extract as yesterday, with the focus on vocabulary. You can also find the answers to yesterday's comprehension questions at the bottom of the page.
OMS - Numeracy
Go through the slides on the attached PowerPoint. Make sure you have attempted the answers before the answer slides come up.
Today you are going to be estimating the area of irregular shapes. There is a video attached which demonstrates the best way to do this. After you have watched the video, complete the attached worksheet and check your answers when you have finished. Remember you can always look at the worksheet on the screen and write your answers down on a separate piece of paper if you cannot print worksheets off.
Today, the netball focus is going to be pivoting. In netball, once you have gained possession (caught) the ball, you are only allowed to take one step before passing the ball to another player. In order to change the direction that you pass the ball, players use pivoting. Attached is a link which explains pivoting in further detail and what it should look like. If you have an appropriate ball and some space outside, have a go at this. It would help to have a partner throw the ball to you mid-run. If you cannot do this activity, please choose a different active activity. A 20 minute Joe Wicks workout would be ideal.
We are very fortunate to have an online home learning resource available for you to access your French lessons from home. Please follow the link I have attached. It will require login details. The details are:
username: ManeaC1355
password: lahome
When you get onto the site select the intermediate level. We are covering unit 10. Please start on lesson 2. There will be a slideshow, along with a variety of activities you can complete to go alongside the slideshow.