This week’s main text: Supermarket Zoo! – we will have lots of things to do relating to this story so make sure you have seen it.
Mrs Stevens also reads the story on
thank you to Simonandshuster books!
Also see the story on
Listen to the story with your child – key questions: Who is the main character in this story? Who are the other characters? What happens at the beginning? What was your favourite part of the story and why?
Yoga link for the week:
Go on a jungle safari on
Monday challenges - Daily video will introduce diary writing, our new text and a creative challenge
- Write a diary about what you have been doing at home – use the keyword I to start the sentence and then use your sounds. My recount is…. I watched a film. I could hear lots of sounds – w, t, d in watched and f I l m in film. Don’t forget that you need to form your letters correctly and use the handwriting page on the website to help you. A reminder of the session from Mrs Stevens – please see If you feel your child is becoming very confident with this writing then add a sentence with some detail – for example. I watched a film. The film was funny. Or I went to the park. It was fun.
- Listen to Supermarket Zoo and discuss the events in the story with your grown up.
- Start thinking about your very own shop – what will you sell in it? Collect the resources that you will need – make sure you check with your grown up! Use your toys to act as customers to try it out.
Tuesday challenges – Daily video will introduce a maths focus challenge and an art challenge
Wednesday challenges – Daily video will introduce a phonic focus challenge and an investigation challenge
- Mrs Stevens will talk about our new sound on please watch the following video which introduces the children to the sound y:
- Once you have watched the videos a few times and practised the new sound with your child, please see how many words they can create with the new sounds. Don’t forget you can use the sounds we have learnt already – I have thought of yes – can you think of more? Can you find anything in your house that begins with our new sound? Ask your grown up to make some letter cards of our new sound that you can then use in your phonics.
- Remind yourself of our story – what was your favourite animal in the story? Create a picture of this and then see what facts you can find out about it. Can you create it a home?
Thursday challenges – Daily video will introduce a phonic writing focus challenge and a thinking and oracy challenge
- List writing. See Mrs Stevens introduce this activity on Albie buys a lot of things in the supermarket – can you remember? Can you write a list to help him remember all the things that he bought. Re-read the story to help you – don’t forget to use all your sounds that you can hear in words. Say the word very slowly to identify all of them!
- Listen to the story Noah’s ark. Talk to your grow up about what you have learnt from the story.
- If you had to keep all the animals healthy what would you feed them? Can you create yourself a healthy kebab? You could use fruit or other healthy food that you have at home.
Friday challenges - Daily video will introduce a maths activity challenge, an oracy challenge and a scientific challenge.