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WB 12.04.21

Please don't forget to email photos of your child's homework to us at by next Wednesday. smiley

What a busy first week we have had! We have jumped straight back into our learning, and have produced some lovely pieces of work this week.


In our Literacy work with Mrs Biggs, we have started to explore the very popular story of 'Elmer', by David McKee. We have worked hard on writing our own stories featuring elephants, and have also used story maps to plot out the main events of the book. We are all very keen on elephants now, and lots of us have been in the outdoor area looking for clues that they have been there!


In Maths with Mrs Johnson, the Year 1 children have been recapping on our bonds to ten, while the Year 2s have been thinking about different ways to make amounts to 20 and also comparing number sentences using the greater than, less than and equals symbols. 


In our Foundation lessons this week, we have had an art focus. We found out what the word 'collage' means (you have to say it in a fancy voice - ask your child!), and watched a video of a real artist creating her own collage landscape. After that, we planned and created our own Elmer-inspired African landscapes using lots of materials like fabric, twigs, tin foil and wool. It was very messy and lots of fun!


Have a super weekend, everyone. 
