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I hope you are all well and are enjoying the work that is being sent home - please do not forget that you can email me with any questions or photographs of your work.  Take care and Keep Safe!



Use the website to investigate this sound along with words around you and in books (instructions on how to use this are on the useful website page)




What can you do with this number?  Can you say the number that is before it, one more than, one less than, can you add two numbers together to make this number?  Can you count objects to this number?  Can you write this number.  Can you share out this number of objects between 2 people equally?


Main text: 

Oxford Owl Website – Log into ebooks 4-5 years


Kipper’s Diary



  • Read the story with your grown up.  Who is in the story?  What happens?  Where does Kipper go?  What do you think he liked best?  Why?
  • Create your own diary.  Put sheets of paper together if you cannot find an empty book
  • Decorate your diary’s front cover and label it …… My Diary by ……
  • Every few days write in  your diary the favourite thing you have done at home.  Don’t forget your keywords from your list and also use the sounds that you hear!
  • Create your own pet shop using your toys.
  • Which is the shortest toy – the tallest, the smallest, the biggest
  • How much is each pet?  Look at some coins 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p £1.  Name these and pay for your pets using these
  • Play with some toys in the bath – pretend they are at the pool in the story
  • Make your own park using lego, mud, boxes or draw it. 



Don’t forget to keep active….. Use the Jo Wickes PE sessions on You tube.

