Daily Timetable
Literacy - 45 mins |
Guided Reading - 30 mins |
Class Story - 15-20 mins |
Maths Warm up - 15 mins |
Maths Main - 45 mins |
Mrs Wordsmith - 15 mins |
Spellings - 15 mins |
DT - 45 mins |
Oracy - 45 mins |
Please also remember to complete your reading for 20 minutes a day. Once you have finished your reading book, complete an AR test using the useful links page (tree icon).
Also, please complete 10 minutes of consolidating your times tables and division facts by using TTRockstars. The link for this is also on the useful link page (tree icon).
L.O. To perform a short playscript.
Today is a great day for the actors of the class! I would like you to put all your hard work into practice and perform, using the playscripts that you wrote yesterday. Hopefully someone at home will kindly do this with you! It may not be possible for you to set the scene exactly the way that you have written (although you could try to!) but please make sure that you are following the stage directions as much as possible. You could film your performance to send into the class email or write a short review of your performance to send in to us.
Guided Reading
L.O. I can answer inference questions from a given text.
Read the text below and answer the questions within it. Remember you can re watch the lesson from Wednesday if you need some reminders.
Maths Warm up
L.O. I can complete missing number sentences.
Look at the missing number sentences below. Use your knowledge of inverse to work out what the missing numbers are to complete the number sentences. (Ignore the order of the questions!)
Maths Main
L.O. I can solve problems which include fractions, decimals and percentages.
Today you are going to be applying the learning from the past couple of weeks to solve word problems. Worksheet is attached. Remember the RUCSAC process:
Read the problem through
Underline the important information you will need
Calculation - work out the calculations you need to solve
Solve the calculation
Answer the question
Check your answers
Spicy - For some extra challenge, one you have completed the questions on the worksheet, try some of the mastery challenge cards attached.
Mrs Wordsmith
Today I would like you to watch the Mrs Wordsmith video below, completing the activities as you go.
Today I'd like you to continue familiarising yourselves with the words from your spelling list. Ensure you understand the meanings and apply them in sentences.
Group One
accommodate, accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur, ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached, available, average, awkward, bargain, bruise
Group Two
intelligence, innocence, emergence, translucence, consequence, incidence, coincidence, confidence, residence, evidence, reference, preference, conference, adherence, interference
Group Three
leaf, seal, bead, teacher, teapot, meat, sea, steam, team, eagle
Design Technology
L.O. I can design a recipe.
Think back to last week's lesson and the different foods that the Anglo Saxons had to eat. Then look through the recipes of dishes which could have been made during the Anglo Saxon period. Today I would like you to use the format of the attached to write a recipe of your own for an Anglo Saxon style vegetable soup or stew. Look carefully at the types of vocabulary used in the recipes when instructing the reader and try to incorporate this into your own recipe.
L.O. I can be a good listener.
Today, I would like you to go for a walk outside with somebody. During your walk, have a conversation about one of the following discussion questions:
- Does having more things make us happier?
- Is it right to spend so much money sending people to space, when there is so much poverty on Earth?
- Are computer games good for you?
- Is it fun to be old?
- What is the greatest super power?
Today I would like you to show to your partner that you are being a good listener. You can do so in the following ways:
LOOK at the person who is talking
LISTEN carefully to what they are saying
ASK questions to ensure you understand
NOD and gesture to show your engagement
REPEAT what the other person has said, in your own words. E.g. So you think that, if you have earned enough money during your career and your health is still pretty good, old age could be really fun.