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Mrs Wordsmith and Oracy challenges

The Big Question: Why do we have zoos?

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, zoos have only recently opened. But....why do we have zoos?

List up to 5 reasons why we have zoos? Then look at other people's opinions below. Do you agree with their opinions? Why/Why not?


  • Zoos are so important as whilst wild animals are in captivity, we can learn much more about them so we can manage and conserve them in the wild.
  • I love visiting zoos as I feel like I can connect to the natural world and learn more about animals and conservation.
  • Zoos are equipped to respond to emergencies where a certain species of animal may need immediate help to save it.
  • I enjoy visiting the zoo and am happy that my entrance fee will be used to look after the animals for research.


Now prepare a for and against argument on whether we should have zoos. You can write this down using the table below or you can present his verbally to someone in your family. You can also video it and send it to








Mrs Wordsmith Words
