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Week beginning 12.10.20

Hello everybody smiley

This week the children have been hard at work, challenging themselves in many different ways. We have had some wonderful achievements during both adult-led and independent learning and hope the children have been telling you all about their busy days at school! Thank you for all the homework that has been sent in this week; don't forget, if we still haven't received any homework from your child, you can send photos and/or comments to us at This is also the address at which you can contact us with any questions or queries, and let us know how your child is getting on with their home reading books.


In Literacy this week, adjectives have been the order of the day. Whilst the Year 1 children have been thinking about including an adjective in their sentences, the Year 2s have been working on expanded noun phrases. As well as describing Beegu in adult-led activities with Mrs Biggs, the children have been practising using their adjectives during Busy Learning time when they have described various objects that have arrived in the classroom and outdoor area, including a mysterious pumpkin and a black cat with glittery, spiky fur. 


In Maths this week we have continued to think about subtraction, and all the vocabulary we might use when talking about it. We have explored various methods to help us with our subtractions; for example, the Year 1s have been using number lines and the Year 2s have been exchanging tens and ones. It has been tricky but we have really persevered and the grown-ups are so proud of all the new skills that we have picked up!


As we're sure many of you will have heard, during the afternoons our learning has all been Geography based. While the Year 2s have been learning about the countries, seas and capital cities of the UK, the Year 1s have found out all about the world's continents (the Year 2s were also VERY happy to revisit this as it gave them the opportunity to listen to the 'Seven Continents' song once again - it's a classic).


Have a look at the photos below to see what we have been up to this week!
