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Some amazing work this week - marvellous maths and wonderful writing, also have a look at the owl pellets that were investigated.  I hope you have also enjoyed the work packs.


Still image for this video

I hope you are all enjoying your home learning – I miss you all very much and am looking forward to seeing you all again.  Please email me any questions or pictures of your home learning on



Use the website to investigate the sounds we have been learning


Play picture match! – Good luck!


Challenge yourself with the keywords on our keyword page – I hope you beat your score last week!





We are continuing with our focus of positional language in maths this week – look at the story and discuss where Kipper is in each picture  - then play hide and seek – describe where you have been hiding – can you tell you family to hide?  They are only allowed to hide under something, on top of something


enjoy the positional language song


Main text: 

Oxford Owl Website – Log into ebooks 4-5 years


Can you see me?



  • Continue with a diary.  Write a sentence in it each day – you can write what you did, what made you happy, what made you laugh – use your phonic sounds for words that you need (if they are not our keywords) 


Recap what we have been learning last week when we started to look at toys from the past –


  • Watch a Magic grandad episode showing different toys from the past – they are very funny!

if you enjoyed this – then there are two more episodes


  • Create a toy from the past – a cup and ball catching game

make one of my favourite toys from when I was little:  a paper fortune teller!


  • Can you find any other ‘old’ toys to make?


  • Be active with a toy inspired yoga clip –


