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Thursday 25th February

Thursday morning

Daily Timetable
Literacy - 45 minutes

Guided Reading - 30 minutes

Class Story - 15-20 minutes

Zoom session with

Collective Worship- 30 minutes

Maths warm-up - 15 minutes
Maths main - 45 minutes 
Mrs Wordsmith - 15 minutes
Spellings - 15 minutes
PE - 45 minutes 
RE - 45 minutes 


Please also remember to complete your reading for 20 minutes a day. Once you have finished your reading book, complete an AR test using the useful links page (tree icon).

Also, please complete 10 minutes of consolidating your times tables and division facts by using TTRockstars. The link for this is also on the useful link page (tree icon).


L.O. I can follow directions from a script effectively.

Today I would like you to act out the script attached. Of course, in an ideal world, you would have a partner to do this with, but if you haven't got anyone at home to perform the script with, do your best to read both parts and follow the stage directions where possible!

Guided Reading

L.O. I can infer a character's feelings using clues from the text.

Choose two examples of different feelings that Omid and Leila experience during the story. Give a quote from the script to back up each example.


Thursday - Class Story

Maths Warm-Up

Today I would like you to revise your times tables. As we say in class, it is very important that you learn all of your times tables. Focus on one that you struggle with or, if you feel confident with all of them, play a game such as Times Tables Rockstar to help you improve your quick recall.


Maths- Main

L.O. I can multiply improper fractions

Multiplying improper fractions uses the same method as multiplying by proper fractions. Watch the attached video, which demonstrates how to multiply improper fractions and then convert to a mixed number. You have already looked a little at converting fractions this week. 


Cool - Complete the attached worksheet

Medium - Complete the attached worksheet, making sure to also convert your answer into a mixed number

Spicy - Have a go at the multiplying fractions jigsaw which is attached.


Multiplication of Improper Fractions

Matholia educational maths video on multiplication of improper fractions.#matholia #maths #singaporemath #multiplication #improper #fractionshttps://matholia...

Mrs Wordsmith

Today I would like you to revise the following words which we covered in our Mrs Wordsmith lessons in Autumn Term. Use each word in a sentence to ensure that you fully understand their meaning.





Today I would like you to write some sentences using the first seven words from your spellings list. Ensure that you have checked the meaning of each one beforehand (particularly those who are learning homophones) so that you are apply the word correctly in your sentences.


Group One

fowl, flower, dowse, how's, allowed, foul, flour, douse, house, aloud, poring, pouring, morning, mourning

Group Two

intelligence, innocence, emergence, translucence, consequence, incidence, coincidence, confidence, residence, evidence, reference, preference, conference, adherence, interference

Group Three

tube, prune, brute, duke, rude, refuse, cute, flute, June, cube


Today I have attached a PE with Joe for you to have a go at. As with yesterday, please ensure that you are filling your 45 minutes of PE time doing something active. Let me know the types of exercise you do at home.

PE With Joe 2021 | Monday 22nd Feb


L.O. I can name most articles of clothing in French.

This week we are starting our new French topic. To log in to language angels home learning, you will need the following:


username: ManeaC1355

password: lahome


When you are on the site, go to the intermediate level. Select Unit 7, lesson 1 and follow the slideshow. Please say the words aloud as you go through. Then you can try a couple of the follow up games.


