Welcome to our Class Page. This page will be updated each Friday and will share the children's learning and achievements with those at home.
Important information:
firclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Miss Bridges)
oakclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Mr Bishop)
We aim to reply as soon as we can but will always reply within 72 hours.
Click below to see the slides from our Key Stage 2 Welcome meeting.
Week 6: 8.7.24
Another action packed week for both classes. Year 6 have had their transition days to secondary school and they have come back super excited for next year. On Wednesday Year 6 travelled to 'Play2day' for their end of year trip - they enjoyed soft play, bowling and laser tag. Shout out to Elise who won the most points in bowling and Patrick in laser tag. The children showed exemplary attitude and respect that was approved by other members of the public who highlighted their good manners.
Year 5 have continued to work hard in English this week writing their narratives. This week the class focused on creating a new character in the story. The children are excited to publish their books in the next week.
Week 5: 1.7.24
Year 6 have been working really hard on their end of year production this week - they can't wait to show you!
Both classes have started a narrative unit in English. The children have been asking all year "When are we going to write a story?" so they have really enjoyed writing the events of the film 'Alma'
Week 4: WC: 24.6.24
Year 5 performed their play this week and we were all very proud of them! check out the images below to see how brilliant they were.
Year 6 are learning their lines and songs in preparation for their performance next month.
Week 3: WC: 17.6.24
Water safety week
Week 2: WK:10.6.24 - Science week.
The children have really enjoyed having a whole week to increase their subject knowledge in science. We were lucky enough to welcome a real-life paramedic to both classes to talk about their role and how they help others who are in need.
Everyday the children started their school day off with a science discussion around a picture that had been zoomed in! we had lots of excellent guesses on what the picture could be. The children have loved engaging in lots of different science experiments throughout the week. On Monday, We did a whole school science experiment testing what material would be best to plug a hole in a leaky bucket. The children came to the conclusion that blue tac was the most suitable material. In each of the experiments, the children have using their science enquiry knowledge to create science experiments that might prove or challenge our hypothesis.
Summer 2: Week 1: WC: 3.6.24
Wow! such a busy week this week. On Monday, both classes had a jam packed fun filled day at Ely Museum. The children took part in a rotation of activities throughout the day learning all about WWII. The hosts at the museum were so impressed with the children's knowledge that they have retained from their topic lessons this year.
The children so looking forward to delivering end of year assemblies to parents - they are working so hard in learning their lines and the lyrics to the songs.
The end of the week finished with a visit from paralympian, Sean Rose. Both classes took part in a fun fitness circuit to music. Sean then delivering an assembly to the whole school telling the children all about his adventures and achievements - it was a fantastic day!
Next week is Science week and again we look forward to another busy week......
Important date:
Thursday 20th June - Sports day @ 1:45pm.
Week 6: 20.5.24
The children have been super excited to be starting their end of year productions. We have had many children volunteering for lead parts and that has been pleasing to see.
Next term the children will be working hard rehearsing their lines in preparation.
We were all gutted that sports day was cancelled due to the lovely British weather, but we are looking forward to the new date in June.
Important date:
Monday 3rd June - Y5/6 trip to Ely museum. Please bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink.
Week 5: WC: 13.5.24
We are exceptionally proud of all of our year sixes this week- they have absolutely worked their socks off in their SATS!
In other areas of the curriculum, we have been creating websites! Look how amazing they are looking:
Week 4: WC: 7.5.24
Wow, what glorious weather we have enjoyed this week. The children have done so well to remain focused during lessons despite the heat we have experienced. Year 6 have really impressed all the adults in KS2 with their word ethic this week, engaging in all learning to support their exciting weeks of showing all the adults the knowledge they have obtained over their time at Manea.
Year 5 have continued to impress Mr Bishop with their hard work in all lessons, but in particular Literacy where they are continuing to write at length using the key grammar and punctuation they have used throughout the year.
In Art both classes have continued their Monotype art, which the children have enjoyed using a poem to create sketches using imagery.
We wish the Year 6s the best of luck next week! we know they will make everyone proud.
Week 3: WC: 29.5.24
We can't believe we are already into the middle of this half term! where has this year gone?
The Year 6s are continuing to show an outstanding work ethic in Maths and Literacy to prepare them for their SATS in a couple of weeks. As a staff team we are ensuring we provide positivity for the children in Year 6 to remind them that this is a great opportunity for them to show everyone what they know.
The children in both classes finished their Non-chronological reports this week, which focused on a fictional creature that lives on the Galapagos islands. The children wrote about creatures such as: The Galapagos ghost, The Lavagon and others. The children worked hard trying to include the writing skills they learnt in their lessons in their independent write.
Week 2: WC: 22.4.24
The children have been working hard in all lessons this week. Year 6 have been working extremely hard in Maths to help them prepare for their SATS in a couple of week. Year 5 have found angles this week tricky, but Mr Bishop has been so impressed with their 'Yet' attitude when attempting Maths problems.
In literacy this week, the children ended the week planning their independent write about their fictional creature, which lives on the Galapagos islands. The children are really looking forward to start writing their non-chronological report on Monday. We look forward to sharing with you all next week the outcome of their hard work.
In PE this week, the children in both classes have enjoyed learning about cricket. Mr Bishop is an avid cricketer, so he hopes his passion and expertise will ensure the children enjoy the cricket unit this half term. If your child has enjoyed cricket in PE: there are still a few spaces left on the cricket club that is run by Mr Bishop on a Weds after school.
Summer term
Week 1: W/c 15th April 2024
We cannot believe how quickly this year has gone- and that we are now in our final term of the year!
This week we have started our new Geography unit, focussed on Trade. We have spent some time looking at different supply chains, including the supply chains of bananas, coffee and cotton!
We also looked at the exports from the United Kingdom, and were surprised to find out that gold was one of Britain's highest exports. We studied data and recorded this in charts.
Week 4: WC: 25.3.24
Another busy week in year 5 & 6 this week. The children have been investigating materials in science this week. The children investigated, what materials such as: salt, sugar and coffee are soluble or insoluble? They also experimented how to separate materials using different methods.
In Literacy, the children finished the week writing their own independent write focused on characterising speech. They used writing skills such as: expanded noun phrases, relatives clauses and direct speech. The children have been so inventive with the speech the characters may of been involved in.
The children are looking forward to starting their computing unit next week.
Week 3: WC: 11.3.24.
The children in both classes have shown excellent attitude and team work. In PE this week the children took part in a inter-school football tournament across Year 5 and 6. The emphasis of the tournament was on improving our team work skills within a team sport.
Year 5 have been doing fantastic in their swimming lessons - it has been a joy to watch many of them learning to swim for the first time.
In other subjects this week the children have had a action packed week. In RE, both classes recreated through drama, the moment when Jesus picked his first two disciples. In reading, the children were aiming to improve their dictionary skills to find the meanings of new vocabulary. In Science, the children have been learning about properties of materials. On Friday, the children planned an investigation into what material would be the best thermal insulator? The children look forward to continuing this next week.
Week 2: WC: 4.3.24
What a busy week we have had this week! Both classes have performed their class assemblies to parents/carers. Please find below the information Mr Bishop and Miss Bridges shared with parents during this session too.
We also made our WW2 Woolton pies within our DT lessons.
Friday was also World Book day!
Spring 2- Week 1: WC: 26.2.24
This week, Miss Bridges, Mr Bishop and Mrs Westwood have all been blown away by some amazing homework! It was great to see almost everyone's homework book this week and even better to see the amount of effort the children had put into every piece.
Week 7: WC: 12.2.24
Our World War 2 Day
On Tuesday, we were transported back to the 1940s to complete a selection of activities based around our learning from WW2.
We were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Burroughs, who shared lots of World war two artefacts with us.
We would like to say a huge thankyou to him for this!
Throughout the day we also enjoyed some wartime dancing, building our own interpretations of air-raid shelters at the woods, and making our own gas mask boxes and labels.
Week 6: WC: 5.2.24
The children have settled extremely well in their new classes this week. We continued learning all about WWII this week in preparation for our topic day on Tuesday 13th February. The children learnt how important the RAF were, as a vital part in Britain's defence against the war. We also enjoyed completed a fun morse code activity!
In literacy, we focused our writing on using parentheses within our instructional writing. In reading we are continuing to read 'Letters from the lighthouse', the children have enjoyed learning about the children that were evacuated from major cities in Britain and we discussed the emotions the children would of experienced.
We are all super excited for our WWII day next week and look forward to having a fun, engaging day taking part in themed activities.
Week 5: WC: 29.1.24
This week has been action packed!
The children have been very sporty this week. We had bikeability in this week and we were very proud of all the children that took part, with the instructors stating their listening and attitude was outstanding. 20 children were chosen to represent the school at a dodgeball festival at Wisbech Grammar school on Friday. They had lots of fun participating in skill games to start with and then taking part in small sided matches against other schools. The children showed excellent teamwork during the festival. We look forward to taking part in other school games events in the future.
Week 4: WC: 22.1.24
We have had another great week, spending most of our week in seperate Year 5 and 6 classes. We have worked hard throughout the curriculum:
Don't forget it's Bikeability next week- Monday to Thursday.
Week 3: WC: 15.1.24
We have had such a fabulous end to the week! The children were super excited to write their final draft of their diary entry as 'Bess' from the 'The highway man'. The pictures below shows the outstanding effort all the children put into their work.
In geography this week we have continued learning about capital cities. The children were tasked in using an atlas to identify the country and then to find the capital city. The children then presented their findings to their classmates to inform them all about the capital city they researched.
Both classes have showed such an excellent attitude to their learning this week and the adults in both classes are super proud!
Week 2: WC: 8.1.24
The children have enjoyed their first full week of learning back after the Christmas break. Both classes have enjoyed continuing to learn about the poem 'Highway man', the objective is for the children to write a diary entry in the perspective of the character 'Bess'.
In PHSE lessons since the children have returned to school we have been focusing on 'Anti-bullying'. The children have recognised that the words we use to communicate with each have is very powerful, whether it is positive or negative.
On Monday's in PE the children will be participating in hockey lessons outside on the playground. The children have enjoyed learning all about the 'Indian dribble', but we have not enjoyed the cold weather! we suggest all children bring gloves on a Monday.
Spring term
Week 1: 4.1.2024
We would like to say a huge Happy New Year from all of the Year 5/6 staff.
Although there was only two days this week, the children have been super busy- working hard across the curriculum. In Literacy, we learnt all about phrasal verbs and used these to write the introduction of a diary entry- by Bess from the Highway Man. In Maths, both Years 5 and Year 6 have continued their learning on fractions.
Within PSHE we have started out unit on Anti Bullying. We have looked at what we think bullying is and what the different types are. The children have been great at sharing their opinions on different scenarios.
We made some lovely Christmas crafts! We hope you all have a lovely Christmas!
Week 7: 11.12.23
It has been another busy week in Years 5 and 6 this week. We have been busy practising our nativity songs- and on Friday walked to the church to sing these alongside the year one children.
In Literacy, we have started looking at diary entries- and have been able to identify some of the key features. We are looking forward to writing our own diary entries after Christmas!
In topic, we have been using the Scratch programme to practise our coding. We have been able to add score boards to games and ensure they change score after an action is carried out. We have also made our own games.
Week 6: 4.12.23
The children received their certificates upon the completion of the 'brain buddies' sessions. The children have found these sessions so valuable and useful in coping with lots of different emotions.
In reading we are continuing to read 'Dracula'. The children have really enjoyed making predictions on what they think is going to happen in the next chapters and writing diary entries from the perspective of the character Mina.
This week we wrapped up our History unit 'crime and punishment', the children have enjoyed learning about how crime was dealt with over the years. The children thought some of the punishments people received were very 'harsh'. Next week we look forward to starting our computing unit.
The cold and wet weather meant both PE sessions this week were completed indoors. On Monday, the children took part in 'benchball', which they enjoy so much (I think secretly they pray it rains, so they get to play it). On Thursday, the children took part in a fitness circuit. Mr Bishop reiterated the importance of stretching after exercise. The children learnt that this will ensure, that will not wake up the next morning with muscle soreness.
We look forward to continuing our Nativity practice and can not wait to support the KS1 children with their singing in the play.
Week 5 - WC: 27.11.23
This week has been assessment week- and the children have worked really hard completing tests for Maths, GPS and Reading.
In writing, they have really got into the spooky spirit- and have written some great paragraphs for a setting description. Including using relative clauses and expanded noun phrases.
Week 4 - WC: 20.11.23
The children this week have really enjoyed starting their setting description writing focusing on horror. This weeks objective was to write an introduction referring to the infamous events that may of happened at the 18th century manor house. The children came up with very imaginative sentences describing the setting using adverbials of time and place.
In maths this week, the Y6s have been undertaking mock SATS tests. They all have done well, showing excellent attitude and determination.
In topic, we are learning all about crime & punishment across the ages. The children were fascinated to learn that adults can be called up to jury service.
Week 3 - WC: 13.11.23
This week we have enjoyed taking part in 'maths week'. Y5/6 children on Tuesday took part in a maths themed orienteering course. All the children worked hard to find the answers to the maths questions and make their way around the course as quickly as they can.
Also, this week we have come to the end of our 'non-chronological report' writing in literacy. The children have really enjoyed writing about space and have showed excellent attitude and sentence structure in their writing.
In topic, we have started our history unit 'crime and punishment', the children are very excited to learn more next week about how people were punished across the ages.
Week 2 - WC: 6.11.23
We've had a busy second week of this half term. One of our main topics this week, has been Art. We have been using our previously learnt typography skills- and starting to apply it to map work. We looked at artists who use maps to express themselves- like Grayson Perry, and discussed how he showed his personal qualities and experiences in his maps.
We used this to create our own versions:
Autumn 2
Week 1 - WC: 30.10.23
The children have settled back in nicely into their classrooms. This week we have continued our art lessons on 'typography'. The children have enjoyed being creative with different graphite pencil hardness.
In PE, we started our 'Tag rugby' unit, the children loved the competitive element of the game.
In literacy, we are continuing our learning focusing on 'non-chronological reports'. This week the children were introduced to parenthesis. Both classes created excellent sentences that was focused on Earth.
Week 7 - WC: 16.10.23
This week was our time to shine! we really enjoyed sharing our poem, play and singing during the harvest assembly on Wednesday. In literacy, we completed a cold task of a non-chronological report to show our understanding of the key features that we needed to include. The children wrote about a minute creature and the unique features that the creature had. All the adults in both classes have enjoyed reading what the children had written. We look forward to continuing our non-chronological reports back after the half term break. In PE, we finished our football unit, the children enjoyed taking part in a tournament to show off their skills and to compete in teams. Also, we have been continuing our brain buddies sessions. This week, we talked about creating a calm kit that would enable us to use the kit when we needed it to regulate our emotions.
Kingswood photos:
What an amazing few days away we have had! The children who attended the residential have really shown their PARTY skills, whilst challenging themselves at a range of new skills and activities. Have a look through the photos to see what they have been up to.
Residential information:
We are looking forward to heading off on our residential next week, and I would like to share some useful information with you, and also remind you about a few things:
Week 5 - WC: 2.10.23
Another action packed week for both classes. Each class has started their preparation for harvest festival and the children have been enjoying learning the harvest songs.
In literacy, we have been focusing on using a conjunction to join two independent clauses.
Our geography lessons are focused around Earth in space this half term. The children were challenged in answering the enquiry question 'How does the sun fall and rise?'. The children produced amazing detailed pieces of work explaining how!
Well done to both classes 'PARTY' certificate winners this week.
Week 4 - WC 25.9.23
Some amazing grammar work:
For the last few weeks, we have been identifying different forms of nouns and verbs within our Literacy work. This week, it was time to put it all into practice by building single clause sentences.
Week 3 - WC 18.9.23
We have been super excited this week to take part in our second 'Brain buddies' session. The sessions are teaching us how to control our emotions, and to learn more about the physiological changes in our body when we experience different emotions.
This week in spelling we have been learning about 'homophones'. To show our understanding we played a fun game of 'snap' with our learning partner to recognise words that have the same sound, but that have a different meaning.
Week 2 - WC 11.9.23
We've had another busy week this week. We are completely settled into our routines and lessons and learning are in full swing.
We have continued with our Space unit this week- and have learnt all about the different planets. We worked in groups to research a planet of our choice, and then presented our findings to the rest of the class.
We've also been busy creating dances in PE!
Week 1 - WC 4.9.23
It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back to school after a restful break. Both classes have been excited to learn their new routines and the expectations for the year ahead.
In Maths, both year 5 and 6 have been focusing on their place value topics.
In Literacy, both classes have been working hard on their handwriting and presentation in books in preparation for the year ahead.
On Tuesday, we had a very exciting visit from Mike and Will from cross-curricular orienteering, who have set up an orienteering course for our school. Throughout the year we will use the course to help our learning. We were super excited to learn a new skill and to participate.