Challenge 1: A little meditation
Listen to the following guided meditation, sit upright in your seat with your eyes closed. You can try to make the room a little darker to help you relax.
Challenge 2: Create a worry jar
Spend time reflecting on any worries you may have.
Write these down and stick them onto a worry jar.
You can decorate these too.
- Now they are out of your head you shouldn't have to worry anymore. When you feel like the worry has completely gone, you can take it out the jar and rip it up!
Challenge 3: Let's think about family and friends...
Discuss all the people that we have not been able to see for a while, family friends?
How have you managed to keep in contact with them?
How will you celebrate when you get to see them again?
Can you write somebody a letter telling them about your lock down experience?
Challenge 4: Yoga alphabet
All you need for the Alphabet Yoga challenge is a small space, your body and your imagination!