Second week down, one to go until Easter! The children have clearly settled back in nice and comfortably, some could say too comfortably, and so we will be looking to finish off the term next week with a bit more focus! Fortunately, they have still managed to produce some good work amongst the talking!
In maths we took on the dreaded algebra. The children were very worried about this mythical beat, however once they realised it was just a matter of finding the missing number, it turned out it wasn't too scary after all!
In English we have been learning about the moon landings. The children have been hooked in and found it fascinating, which has been great to see... we even investigated the idea that the moon landings were a hoax! Next week we will be taking all the knowledge we have learned and applying it to a newspaper report.
Further progress has been made on the weaving... we did paper weaving and then worked with actual thread. Next week is where we see if we can produce the real deal... fingers crossed!
As a final note, let's make sure we have an extra big effort to send in the homework by Wednesday please, as the amount of children of managed that this week wasn't very high!