LO: Understand percentage and its link to fractions
This week I would like us to recap percentages, another thing I know that can be tricky.
To begin with, we are going to look at making sure we understand exactly what percentage is, and how it links to fractions!
You know the drill: watch the video, complete the task as they come up and then have a go at the worksheets at the end.
LO: Understand how to use a colon
We have covered colons before with our De:de sentences, but I want to refocus on it.
The first part talks through parenthesis and different ways of extending sentences, something that will really enhance your sentences.
Then the rest goes into detail about three different occasions to use a colon (one of which is our De: de sentences, although they don’t call them that.)
After you have completed the tasks on the video, I would like you to write two of each of the 3 sentence types which include a colon. You can write about whichever topic you wish, but here are some ideas:
The Anglo-Saxons
Things you have been up to
A sporting event
Your favourite game
Let’s focus on inference this week! Can you remember what inference is? Of course, it is where we are being detectives and working out information! Let’s start with a picture and some inference questions
LO: Understand the impact of drugs and alcohol on the body
A two part lesson to finish the half term based around drugs and alcohol. Today I would like you to read through the PowerPoint and make notes on everything you read (we’ve been doing a lot of note taking practise recently so this should be okay!).
- 15-20 minutes of reading a day
- Live Joe Wicks session on YouTube in the morning
- Watch Taskmaster video
- TT Rockstars
Mrs Wordsmith- Blundering
Have a look through the attached PowerPoint. Much like in class, see if you can work out the missing words and then practise using the word in sentences. Maybe try using it in a sentence with a semi-colon or in a De:de sentence.
Furthermore, see if you can use it in this week’s writing tasks!
Watch this week’s assembly!