What a fantastic week we have had!
At the start of the week we had a forest school session. We used umbrellas as whiteboards and used our foraging skills to collect items to make arrays. We practised our 4 times tables.
In literacy this week we have been looking at poetry. It has been very challenging but we have enjoyed trying our best to create rhyming sentences.
In R.E we have been looking at the Nativity story. We created puppets and retold a scene from the story.
Each homework activity has been split into three groups. Please email Willowclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk if you would like guidance on which challenge is suitable for your child.
In year three children are expected to read five times a week. Accelerated reader will soon be available to most children and will be able to take quizzes in class during various points of the day. Feel free to e-mail about the different books you are reading at home.
Accelerated Reader are currently allowing the service to be used at home.
Here is our link for the service: https://ukhosted10.renlearn.co.uk/2233571/
If your child has forgotten their username and password please feel free to e-mail for these details
Please look at our 'Reading at home' page on the class page for tips on how to support reading at home.
Medium | Spicy | Hot |
is | Insane | Insane |
said | Inexact | Inexact |
get | Indirect | Informal |
cat | illegal | Injustice |
to | illegible | illegal |
illiterate | illegible | |
irrational | illiterate | |
irrelevant | illicit | |
irreversible | illogical | |
informal | irrational | |
irrelevant | ||
irreversible | ||
irresponsive | ||
irregular | ||
This week complete the spicy challenge and then create some word problems that we can use in class to hep us practise our 3x, 4x and 8x tables.
This week we have looked at different forms of poetry. Below is the image that we used in class about rhyming couplets. Use this information to write some rhyming couplets about Winter or Christmas. Remember you may find it useful to brainstorm to gather lots of words before you try to wrote your couplets.
We have also looked at poems with rhyming patterns. We have looked at poems that have the pattern of ABAB. See the image below to help remind you.
Using the example above create your own ABAB poem. You can write one on any theme you choose.