We have worked hard discussing our learning this week. In our outdoor area we are beginning with learning talks before we take part in our learning walks later in the term. We have been very busy with our learning and have been challenging ourselves to try new things. At the end of the day we have shared what we enjoyed most in our circle time - then our friends can see what we enjoyed and perhaps try them later!
We have made houses, police cars, sandcastles, duck ponds, different rockets for baby bear, a volcano, butterfly paintings, burgers, a village and even potions to help Mrs Stevens run fast!
See some photos of our hard work below:
We have worked VERY hard this week on our challenges:
in our literacy work we have been listening carefully - we have had listening moments throughout the day and identified different sounds that we have heard. We have also played different games including 'Mrs Stevens has a box' and guess the sound games.
In our maths focus work we have been helping Baby Bear. He found lots of socks in his room and needed our help to sort them out. They were different colours and sizes which was very tricky to do! We then discussed what socks we liked and listening to stories and songs about socks.
In other work we have been creating our own self portraits. Did you know that there is an artist called Frida Kahlo who was very good at painting self portraits? We found out that we had to look closely at our features and then use the correct colour to represent them. The finished work was AMAZING!
We have also been sharing our likes and dislikes through our all about me boxes. We have listened very hard to our friends and it has been great to find out so much. The boxes are absolutely wonderful and we want to thank all the grown ups who helped us with them.
Please see more information in the home link document above and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Mrs Stevens on: