Whatever is happening with our weather at the moment? Sunshine, rain, wind, hail, thunder... we've had it all this week! We've made the most of it though, and have had lots of fun dodging the showers.
In Literacy, the children have started to find out about non-fiction texts, and have been practising sorting the books in our Book Area into fiction and non-fiction. They have found out about the features of this kind of writing, and have been reading lots of examples linked to our Science work on animals.
In Maths, both year groups have been working on their fractions knowledge: while Year 1 have been finding out about halves and quarters, Year 2 have been thinking about the equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4, and how to find 3/4 of an amount.
In the afternoons, we have continued our Science work. The Year 2 children have loved exploring food chains and did a super job at creating some of their own, and the Year 1s have been learning all about the key animal groups of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!