Dear Willow Class,
It has been great to speak to some of you over the phone this week and we are looking forward to hearing from those of you that we have not called next week. It has been really nice to hear all the wonderful things you are doing at home whether they are ideas from our web pages or things you have learnt about with your interests.
I would like to highlight again that Accelerated Reader have opened up their website to use at home. Here is the message I posted a few weeks ago to help you.
We have some more positive news to share with you. A few of you have emailed about using accelerated reader at home. Prior to now this has not been possible but after talking with the company we are now allowed to let you access it from home.
You will need to log in via this link:
You will need to use your usual username and password. If you are unsure of this information email us and we will send you a reminder. You can do any quizzes on the books that you read at home but you should do these independently. You will be able to access AR Monday - Friday. This will only be available during the school closure period.
You can find some e-books with AR quizzes attached to them at this website: Unfortunately some of these books are linked to the American version of AR. To check if your book has a UK friendly quiz use this website:
I know that some of you have been able to earn certificates whilst being at home and I can not wait to give you these when we are back at school!
Make sure you take a look at some of the photos that have been sent in this week. We have some fabulous learning as well as some new additions to families!
Remember our class e-mail address is
Take care!
Subject |
Activities |
Maths |
Use your times table rock stars to practise your times tables. This week I would like you to take a look at the White Rose Hub Videos for Summer Term Week one. The five lessons are- Lesson one: Equivalent Fractions Lesson two: Equivalent Fractions Lesson three: Compare Fractions Lesson Four: Order Fractions Lesson five is a Maths challenge and you can complete this if you wish!
Remember there you do not need to print of the sheets that come with the lessons think of how you can record your understanding.
Something that you may find helpful is a fraction wall. This makes our equivalent fractions a bit easier to visualise. An interactive one can be found here:
Or here is a picture of one!
English |
Find the resources below for all of your activities for the week.
French |
Watch the video below and see if you can remember and of the weather words or number words!
P.E |
Each morning Joe Wicks is uploading a P.E lesson for children onto his you tube channel. Here is the link to the playlist which he will update very regularly.
Wellbeing |
This week I want us to come to work as a team to make our own music playlist. I want you to all think of one song that makes you feel happy and e-mail me the name and the artist as I will create a new page on our class page full of songs that we love! Mine is a song called all star. Find the video for it below. You may recognise it!
Current Affairs |
I'm sure you have all heard about Captain Tom's amazing achievement of raising money for the NHS. Below are some resources from PictureNews to help you talk about this at home.
Design Technology |
Using the boxes that you collected last week I want you to recreate the box by turning it inside out. Whilst you do this take notice of the different 2d shapes that make up the faces. An example of how to turn a box inside out can be found below where someone has created a house.
I want you to think of how you can turn your box into a packet for a new box of chocolates. Do you need it to be bright? What would you call your chocolates? On some paper create two different designs. One should be aimed at young children such as yourselves and the other should be aimed at your parents. Would they look the same?
Send us a picture of your designs!
Each week I am going to set you a Challenge that you can do either in your back garden on during the times where you are allowed to leave your house for a walk or another form of exercise.
This week we are going to think back to our foraging skills. Remember this means collecting natural items. These items should be on the ground and not broken off of any living item.
You need to remember to collect things safely and not to touch your face until you have washed your hands once you have completed the challenge
I would like you to create a picture of your time at home using the different items that you find. Look at the pictures below for some inspiration.