Good morning
Good morning Ash Class. It is important that you fit your learning into a time table which works best for you, but below is our suggested format for you. Please remember if you have any problems with today's work to send Miss Bridges an email at We would also love to see photographs of your work today. Good luck with your challenges.
Collective Worship:
Try these activities which may require the skill of perseverance. Consider- is it always easy to persevere? When do you think it would be most difficult?
(1) Throw a small ball to yourself.First throw the ball up and catch it. Then try it with one hand. Then try it with the other had. Then try to clap after you throw the ball up, before you catch it again. Then try to clap twice!
(2) Move a small ball around your body.Take the ball in one hand and try to make a circle with it around your waist. Then try to make a circle around your legs. Then try to do a figure eight with the ball – around one leg, between the legs, then around the other leg. For older children, you can try to have them drop the ball behind their back and catch it with the opposite hand (this is a bit tricky for small children who have little hands).
LO: To estimate the answer to subtraction calculations
Starter: To find the perimeter of a rectangle.
Fancy a challenge? Try this one instead:
LO: Write my own version of an explanation text.
Starter: To recognise and use apostrophes for plural possession.
Remember what we have learnt about using apostrophes for plural possession.
Try the questions below to test your knowledge.
Main: Read the text ;How a dishwasher really works'- or watch the video below.
Think about your own electrical item in your home. Can you create your own explanation texts in this style? Perhaps a hamster powers your washing machine, or a polar bear makes your freezer work.
Here are some ideas that you could use:
Class story: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
With permission of Harper Collins
Guided Reading
LO: To infer information about a character from a short text
As you know, we are continuing to work on inference this week. We look for clues in the text, to give us a clearer picture.
Read the short texts below, think about what clues you get about the main characters- then answer the questions.
Mrs Wordsmith
LO: To recognise the effect of environmental changes on living things.
In D+T this term we will be designing and creating a healthy sandwich (product) for ourselves (user) to eat whilst on a walk around my local area (purpose).
The area of focus in design technology for this unit is food technology. We have to make sure that we are working safely at all times. Watch the power point below for some useful tips!