It's the end of another week of fun, elephant-themed learning in Elm Class!
In Literacy with Mrs Biggs, we have continued to explore the 'Elmer' stories. This week, we have been designing and describing our own elephant characters, and have created story maps in preparation for writing our very own 'Elmer' story. The grown-ups can't wait to read our stories next week!
In Maths with Mrs Johnson, the Year 1s have been finding out about multiplication and making equal groups. We have started to explore 'arrays' as a way to represent multiplications, and at the end of the week also looked at doubling. Meanwhile, the Year 2s have focused on multiplication too, but have particularly looked at the link between this and repeated addition.
In our Foundation work this week we have LOVED using the Scratch Junior app to create our very own 'Elmers' and have experimented with using the different features of the app to bring our Elmer stories to life!
Have a super weekend, everybody.