Maths Homework
This week in Maths, we have been working on telling the time to o'clock and half-past the hour. For your homework, we'd like you to follow the link below to access the Mathsframe 'Telling the Time' game. You will need to scroll down a little bit to see the game. When you start to play, you need to choose whether you want to have a go at Level 1 or Level 2, and then set the options to '12 hour clock' and 'Untimed game'.
Grown-ups, encourage your child to say the time shown on the clock face. They will need your help to match the time they say to the digital clocks at the bottom of the screen, as we haven't covered digital time yet.
Literacy Homework
We have been learning about non-fiction writing and about types of animals.
This week we would like you to create a glossary for some (or all) of these special science words. You will need to explain what they mean and you might even draw a picture to give an example.
You might choose to look the words up in the dictionary or on the internet for some more information.
You could even make a video of yourself explaining the words too!