This week in our maths we have been learning about how to count in tens. We have practice counting in tens to 100, using 10p counts to apply our counting knowledge and finding total amounts.
In year 2 we have been looking at how to write 10 count number problems as both repeated addition and multiplication number sentences.
Foundation - Music
In music we have be learning the songs for the Nativity. We have been listening to the music and using our beautiful voices to work as a whole team to sing the songs. We have discussed which of the songs are our favourite and why.
This week in Literacy we have been learning about informal letters. The children have been identifying the features of an informal letter in preparation for their letter writing next week. They have also been pretending to be Stick Man and asking each other questions and practicing answering in the first person. We have also been learning about compound words and discovered that sometimes two words can join together to make a completely new word, for example butterfly and cupcake.