Well - what a week - our last week in Year R.
A week of celebrations - we have discussed what we have enjoyed most about our year at school and investigated our learning journeys. All our books are going to our next teacher to ensure that they can see how hard we have worked this year.
We have then met our new classteachers via zoom. They have all told us how excited they are in meeting us and getting to know us and then they set us a challenge.
We had to write a speech bubble about our favourite thing to do at school and this will be put on a display in our new classrooms.
We also had a picnic - we had a wonderful lunch from the school canteen and really enjoyed spending time on our picnic - talking about what we have been doing and enjoying sharing our memories with our friends.
We are very proud of the work that we have done this year and are looking forward to all the wonderful things that we will do in year 1.