This week we are focussing on the nativity and activities around this. Please have a look at our performance on the main class page - the nativity - see how hard we have all worked!
We will be continuing with our diaries, phonic work and in our maths we are focussing on positional language - we will be hiding Santa and giving clues about where he is! We will be using language such as under, on top, next to etc.
Our number is number 9! Please see the powerpoint below for activities related to this number.
We will be finalising our Christmas cards, calendars and decorations so that we can bring them home at the end of the week.
Friday will be our celebration day - elf day, Christmas lunch and then a celebration film with crisps and a drink. Well done everyone and thank you for all your support in these times - we are a wonderful team and I am looking forward to the new year with your children and all the exciting things that we will be doing.
Over the holidays - don't forget to have a look at our phonic and keyword page, our reading tip page and also share all the wonderful things that we have been doing on our class pages.
Merry Christmas!